Organised by the Environment & Resources Authority
under the patronage of
His Excellency, George Vella, President of Malta
For the past five years, the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has been organising the Buonamico Award. This is a yearly award-giving ceremony under the patronage of H.E. President of Malta to honour those whose actions and achievements benefited our biodiversity and the environment.
ERA will be organising the sixth edition of the Buonamico Award on the 3rd November 2023 and is inviting nominations for individuals and entities (including private enterprises, local councils, or governmental or non-governmental organisations) who may merit such an award.
Such nominations may be submitted by filling in the nomination form through this LINK.
The following conditions apply:
- Nominees should be residents of Malta or in case of entities should be established in Malta, but may be of any nationality.
- The nominees should NOT be informed that they are being nominated for such award. This would automatically disqualify them from being considered for such an award.
- In case of NGOs, these must be enrolled as voluntary organisation with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.
Persons not eligible to participate are:
- Awardees of the previous Buonamico Awards
- Employees of the Environment and Resources Authority
- Members of the Adjudication Board and their family members*
*For the purpose of these awards, family members shall mean parents, siblings, children and spouses.
Nominations may be submitted by filling in the nomination form through this LINK.
Deadline for submission is Monday 25th September 2023.
All nominations will be treated with strict confidentiality. Nominations will be considered by an Adjudication Board which has been set up by ERA. Nominations may also be submitted by organisations and entities such as Local Councils and Parishes.
The nominations will be assessed on the following criteria:
- Through his/her own initiatives, work or research the nominee left a positive impact on the sector.
- The nominee’s actions and achievements benefited our biodiversity and the environment.
- The nominee may be undervalued, but still gave valuable input to academia, relevant entities and authorities in the environment field.
- The nominee carried out work/projects of prestigious nature in favour of the environment.
Additional Notes
- The Board reserves the right to refrain from awarding the awards if the required level is not achieved.
- The decision of the Board is final.
- Generally, two (2) nominees will be chosen to receive the Buonamico Award. However, this may differ depending on exigencies.
- Kindly note that you may either nominate for Buonamico Award or the Special Award of Recognition individually or for both awards as applicable.
Further queries may be addressed to ERA on [email protected]
31 October 2023