Code of conduct: Horticulture and invasive alien plants

Code of conduct: Horticulture and invasive alien plants

Ornamental horticulture has been recognised as the main deliberate pathway of introduction of invasive alien plant species in the Maltese Islands. Accidental pathways include discarded garden waste, compost heaps, packaging materials, soil growing media, and machinery and equipment. Moreover introduced or imported plants can also carry with them plant pests or harmful organisms, which may in turn be invasive.

In this regard, the former Malta Environment & Planning Authority (MEPA), together with European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) and the Council of Europe (CoE) under the framework of the Bern Convention have jointly published this abridged Code of Conduct on Horticulture and Invasive Alien Plants for European and Mediterranean Countries. This Code includes information relevant for Malta. It mainly addresses the horticultural sector (including plant and seed introducers/importers, plant nurseries, garden centres) and those entities engaged in landscaping and afforestation.


Cod​e​​ of conduct: Horticulture and invasive alien plants