in relation to the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)

Name of Facility

Application Number



Delimara Power Station

IP 0002/21/V3

Triq il-Power Station Delimara

Application for variation of IPPC permit (IP 0002/21) of the Delimara Power Station in relation to the operation of a Temporary Emergency Plant submitted by Enemalta plc., and United Equipment Co. Ltd (UNEC)

The documentation related to this public consultation may be viewed below:

Application Documents UNEC Ltd.

Application Documents Enemalta plc.

Any representations may be made in writing by not later than 23 May 2024 by filling in the form below.

Alternatively, representations may be sent to the postal address listed below.

Any representations shall be registered and made public on ERA’s website, together with the details of the person making the submission unless otherwise requested in writing, in which case only the content of the representation shall be made publicly available.

Public consultation on this application is now closed.

Postal Address

Director Regulatory Affairs
(ref: IPPC IP0002/21/V3)

Environment & Resources Authority
Hexagon House,
Spencer Hill,
Marsa, MRS 1441

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