PA File No.: PA/06955/17
ERA Reference: N/A
Project Title: Amendments to PA6042/08 (renewed by PA660/17) comprising redesign of the iconic building concept to induce an elegant and contemporary architectural statement. The proposed amendments consist of reorganisation of already approved land uses within the new concept and introduce residential and tourist accommodation. Amendments to the building footprint and height to achieve a coherent and unified urban design combined with a balanced layout of the building and increased public open space at ground floor level. Proposal also includes the alterations to the underground parking layout. Restoration of Mercury House. Introduce a new access to the underground ‘cold war vaults’.
Location: Mercury House Project, Triq San Gorg, Triq Sant Andrija, Triiq Elija Zammit and Triq Gdida fi, Triq Sant Andrija, Swieqi, Malta.
EPS 1st Draft 2006 - Part 1 : EPS 1st Draft 2006 - Part 1
EPS 1st Draft 2006 - Part 2: EPS 1st Draft 2006 - Part 2
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