PA File No.: PA 03884/23
ERA Reference: EA 00005/24
Project Title: Fort Chambray Phase 3 development comprising a Class 3B 5-star aparthotel with 63 ensuite rooms, 50 serviced apartments and ancillary amenities; 105 high quality Class 1 residential units with highly landscaped pedestrian environment and creation of a new public piazza; internal alterations and part demolition of the existing underground parking levels including excavations to extend further the existing two car parking levels to accommodate car parking garages for private use and car parking spaces for public use; construction of 2 substations and 2 water reservoirs; demolition of the existing vacant British Barracks and dismantling of the front masonry screen and flanks as per PA/02454/16 which are proposed to be relocated and integrated within the proposed hotel main building; internal and external alterations to the existing Dar it-Tabib and change its use into 10 Hotel ensuite rooms with ancillary outdoor amenities; the introduction of ancillary hotel amenities within the existing Knights’ Barracks comprising hotel retail outlets and hotel restaurants at ground floor level and hotel meeting rooms and conference facilities at first floor level including a lightweight structure link with the main hotel building; and the rehabilitation of the existing Naval Bakery and Polverista, including restoration and reinstatement works approved as per PA/00841/15 and their complementary uses to the proposed aparthotel, respectively comprising a clubhouse and a hotel snack bar outlet together with ancillary outdoor catering areas and newly landscaped external areas, including rehabilitation of the fort’s ditch into a landscaped recreational outdoor space
Location: Forti Chambray, Triq Chambray, Ghajnsielem
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
Date Uploaded:
EIA Required: No
Status: Concluded
Other Documents:
- PA/03884/23 - Previous PDS (Superseded)
- PA/03884/23 - Further submissions - Geotechnical aspects
- PA/03884/23 - Further submissions - Lighting
- PA/03884/23 - Further submissions - Landscaping & Interventions on trees
- PA/03884/23 - ERA Correspondence (incl. conditions)
- PA/03884/23 - Updated PDS (September 2024)
- PA/03884/23 - ERA Correspondence (September 2024)
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority