PA File No.: PA/02566/18
ERA Reference: EA/00047/20
Project Title: Proposed continuation of mineral extraction from areas approved in PA4036/93, hardstone quarry No.7, and to extract hardstone mineral up to +200m (AMSL) and restore quarry to its original levels. Proposal includes the construction of a meter room.
Location: Hardstone Quarry No. 7, Gebel Ciantar, Fawwara, Siggiewi, Malta
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
EIA Required: No
Status: Concluded
ERA Correspondence following additional information: ERA Correspondence (March 2022)
ERA Correspondence following revisions to proposal: ERA Correspondence - including conditions (May 2023)
Further submission: Bat survey report (June 2024)
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority