PA File No.: PA/04667/20 & PA/05053/23
ERA Reference: EA/00056/20
Project Title: To demolish existing industrial complex and to construct a supermarket and ancillary facilities at first floor and an associated vehicle parking and further ancillary facilities at ground floor. Application includes also non-illuminated and illuminated signage and totem pole signage as indicated. & Proposal of two floors of parking underfloor, restaurant Class 4D with drive through lane at ground floor and retail class Class 4B for the four floors above. Proposal of two floors of parking underfloor, restaurant Class 4D with drive through lane at ground floor and retail class Class 4B for the four floors above.
Location: Site at, Triq Aldo Moro c/w, Triq il-Labour, Marsa.
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
Status: Concluded
ERA’s assessment & recommendation:
Further submissions: Further submissions
ERA Correspondence: ERA Correspondence
PA File No.:: PA/05053/23
Project Title: Proposal of two floors of parking underfloor, restaurant Class 4D with drive through lane at ground floor and retail class Class 4B for the four floors above.
Location: Salv. Bezzina and Sons Limited, Triq Aldo Moro c/w, Triq il-Labour, Marsa.
Project Description Statement: Schedule II - PDS
EIA Screening Report: Schedule III - Screening Report
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority