PA File No.: PA/06252/17
ERA Reference: EA/00023/17
Project Title: Demolition of existing 4 star hotel and the Spa Wing of the 5 star hotel, and excavation of site. Construction of 3 levels of below ground car parking; construction of ground floor retail complex (mix of Class 4B and Class 4C) under a landscaped Public Open Space; and construction of residential complex rising to a maximum of 15 floors above street level. Development also to include complete refurbishment (including internal alterations) of the existing 5 star hotel, the construction of five additional floors on the hotel tower and construction of stepped hotel block rising to 13 floors above the plaza, in place of the Spa Wing
Location: Fortina SPA Resort, Ix-Xatt Ta' Tigne &, Triq Censu Xerri, Sliema
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
EIA Required: No
Status: Concluded
Terms Of Reference:
ERA’s assessment & recommendation:
Other Documents: