PA File No.: PA/08399/18
ERA Reference: EA/00058/19
Project Title: Total demolition of existing buildings. Proposed excavation of 2 basement levels and construction of parking facilities which include 55 parking spaces at level -2, 53 parking spaces at level -1, 41 at level 0 and 13 at level 1. Proposed class 4 ‘B’ at ground floor. Proposed Class 4 ‘A’ at levels 1 – 5 and Class 4 ‘A’ at recessed floors, levels 6 & 7.
Location: Site at 50, 51, 52, Xatt l-Imsida, Redeemer, Triq Clarence, Msida, Malta
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
Status: Concluded
ERA’s assessment & recommendation:
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority