PA File No.: PA/09938/18
ERA Reference: EA/00073/18
Project Title: Construction of Q3 residential block within an already excavated site with a superstructure above piazza level of 10 full floors and 7 receding floors consisting of condominium ancillary facilities at ground floor, 63 residential apartments on the levels above and a top level for services. The substructure consists of 4 levels of residential parking with 118 spaces, plant areas, reservoirs and services ancillary to the apartments. The substructure also includes a public vehicular access from the Midi complex onto IX-Xatt ta’ Qui-Si-Sana. Paving and landscaping of external public and private areas at ground floor level. Construction of T15 superstructure up to 4 floors above piazza level being 5 from Garden Battery level and changes to underlying exiting substructure built according to PA3718/10 to include a cafeteria (Class 4D), 3 retail units (Class 4B) and a restaurant (Class4D). Landscaping, paving and embellishment of public areas at the Garden Battery and adjoining areas including the construction of a pedestrian bridge, water feature and staircases and lift linking this level to the piazza
Location: Q3, T15 and Garden Battery, Tigne Point, Ix-Xatt ta' Tigne, ix-Xatt ta' Qui-Si-Sana, Sliema,
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
Status: Concluded
PA/06318/23: Change of use of Club House amenity areas including the indoor pool, squash courts and fitness center within the T12 block to storage areas. Extension of the T15 block to include three retail units (Class 4B) at Piazza level, offices (Class 4A) at first floor level and a roof garden. Change of use from existing covered open space T15 to cafeteria (Class 4C) at Garden Battery level.
Site at: T15 and T12, Tigne Point, ix-Xatt ta' Tigne' &, ix-Xatt ta' Qui-Si-Sana, Sliema.
PA/06318/23: ERA Correspondence (February 2024)
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority