PA File No.: PA/10370/17
ERA Reference: EA/00077/18
Project Title: To sanction: erection of a wall to act as a wave breaker, a toilet, installation of services ancillary to an existing licensed snack bar, placing of a demountable steel platform for tables, chairs and umbrellas, and use of adjacent boathouse as a store to ancillary to snack bar. To carry out various alterations so as to, raise boundary wall with adjacent property by 3 courses, remove part of existing staircase from promenade, enlarge existing toilet, raise existing level of jetty, form new opening to interconnect stores, and construct new staircase from promenade and underlying shower facilities. Placing of mobile pool bar.
Location: Huggy Bear Snack bar, Misrah il-Bajja, San Pawl il-Bahar, Malta
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
EIA Required: No
Status: Concluded
ERA’s assessment & recommendation: