For a list of Authorised Waste Carriers kindly click on the download button.  







EP no.YearPermit holderVessel NamePermit TypeExpiry
EP 0132123Joseph Anthony HiliLucky LadyB430/11/2024
EP 0132823Bezzina Maritime Services Ltd.Bezz IIB130/11/2024
EP 0133623Zeta Energy LimitedSea StormB1, B2 & B330/11/2024
EP 0133723Emarine Ltd.San CarloB130/11/2024
EP 0133823Emarine Ltd.San PaoloB130/11/2024
EP 0134523Talabot Navigation Ltd.DiligenceB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0134623Pampas Navigation Ltd.MoorB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0134723Port Logistics Operations Ltd.FoxtrotB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0134823Port Logistics Operations Ltd.OhioB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0135123SL Ship Management Company LimitedSpiro FB230/11/2024
EP 0135223SL Ship Management Company LimitedSanta MariaB230/11/2024
EP 0135323SL Ship Management Company LimitedSanta LuciaB230/11/2024
EP 0135423SL Ship Management Company LimitedSanta ElenaB230/11/2024
EP 0136023Mr. Joseph HiliAntonia IB430/11/2024
EP 0136223Cassar Ship Repair LtdSeahopperB130/11/2024
EP 0136623Mare Blu Tuna Farm Ltd.Ricardo FB430/11/2024
EP 0136723Mare Blu Tuna Farm Ltd.Yaizatun DosB430/11/2024
EP 0136823Endo One Maritime LtdMumtazB230/11/2024
EP 0139023Polaris Marine Services Co. Ltd.Sea Express VB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0139123Polaris Marine Services Co. Ltd.Sea Express 3B1, B2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0140123MFF Ltd.Melita 4B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0140323MFF Ltd.Melita 8B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0140423MFF Ltd.Melita 10B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0140623MFF Ltd.Sea BullB3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0140723A & J Company Ltd.Joanna MB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0140823A & J Company Ltd.Maria CB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0140923A & J Company Ltd.MiggiB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0141023A & J Company Ltd.UndauntedB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0141123A & J Company Ltd.WilfredB2, B3 & B430/11/2024
EP 0012824Polaris Marine Services Co. Ltd.Sea Express 1B230/11/2024
EP 0013224Nautical Supplies LimitedMV Gold DredgerB1, B330/11/2024
EP 0038324Mr. Matthew VellaSea Express IB2, B3 & B430/11/2025
EP 0038424Mr. Matthew VellaSea Express VB2, B3 & B430/11/2025
EP 0038524Mr. Matthew VellaSea Express IIIB2, B3 & B430/11/2025
EP 0041824Mr. Matthew VellaMATISB230/11/2025
EP 0039324Charles PolidanoSaulusB130/11/2025
EP 0040724Charles PolidanoPaulusB130/11/2025
EP 0040824Charles PolidanoSan CarloB130/11/2025
EP 0040924Charles PolidanoSan PaoloB130/11/2025
EP 0041324Dr. Cornelia Zammit GermanSanta ElenaB230/11/2025
EP 0041424Dr. Cornelia Zammit GermanSpiro FB230/11/2025
EP 0042024Ranier BezzinaBezz IIB130/11/2025
EP 0042624William VellaSea StormB2 & B330/11/2025
EP 0041624Nautical Supplies LimitedMV Gold DredgerB1, B330/11/2025
EP 0041224SL Ship Management Company LimitedSanta MariaB230/11/2025
EP 0041524SL Ship Management Company LimitedSanta LuciaB230/11/2025
EP 0040224Talabot Navigation Ltd.DiligenceB2, B3 & B430/11/2025
EP 0040124Pampas Navigation Ltd.MoorB2, B3 & B430/11/2025
EP 0039924Port Logistics Operations Ltd.FoxtrotB2, B3 & B430/11/2025
EP 0040024Port Logistics Operations Ltd.OhioB2, B3 & B430/11/2025
EP 0038824Mr. Joseph HiliAntonia IB430/11/2025
EP 0045323MFF Ltd.Melita 4B430/11/2025
EP 0045423MFF Ltd.Melita 8B430/11/2025
EP 0045523MFF Ltd.Melita 10B430/11/2025
EP 0045623MFF Ltd.Sea BullB430/11/2025



Following the 19th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties in November 2022, the species below have been included in Appendix I of the CITES Convention and Annex A of the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations.

Species up-listed to Appendix I/ Annex A
Scientific NameCommon NameDistinguishing featuresPhotoImplementation Period from COP
Pycnonotus zeylanicusStraw-headed bulbul- size c. 29 cm;
- yellow crown and black line stripped across the eyes from the mouth edge;
-colourful line down to the side of the neck.
12 months
Tiliqua adelaidensisPygmy Bluetongue lizard- less than 20 cm;
-limbs and tail with scattered darker spots and blotches mixed with paler scales, a white/cream belly, scales with pale brown margins, and short limbs.
90 days
Batagur kachugaRed-crowned roofed turtle- Freshwater turtle;
- Six distinct bright red stripes on the head during the breeding season;
- Obtuse and moderately prominent snout.
90 days
Cuora galbinifronsIndochinese box turtle- Head colouration showing mixed black, orange, yellow, pink and white patterns. 90 days
Kinosternon coraCora Mud turtle- Reduced and weakly movable plastron;
- Larger and darker than K. vogti.
90 days
Kinosternon vogtiMud turtles- Smaller body size compared to the other species in the genus;
- Yellow rostral shield in males.
90 days
Nilssonia leithiiLeith's softshell turtle- Longer and pointed snout;
- Characteristic red marked head.
90 days

Trade of these specimens (whole, live or dead, parts and derivatives) now requires Article 10 Certificates in EU countries as well as CITES Import and Export Permits in case of trade with non-EU countries.

In case of possession of any of the species in Table 1,  register them with the ERA by 28th February by completing the simple form at the following link. Following the 28th February, trade in these species needs to be accompanied by CITES permits.

Think ahead- If you don’t register these species, you cannot trade them or their offspring!

Other species have been listed in Appendix II/ Annex B – Trade of specimens of species up-listed in Table 2 now requires  proof of legal acquisition in case of Import and Export. You do not need to register them with ERA.

Species uplisted to Appendix II/ Annex B
Scientific NameCommon NamePhotoNotes
Cynomys mexicanusMexican Prairie DogDownlisted from Appendix I
Branta hutchinsii leucopareiraAleutian Cackling gooseDownlisted from Appendix I
Kittacincla malabaricaWhite-rumped shama
Phoebastria albatrusShort-tailed albatrossDownlisted from Appendix I
Physignathus cocincinus(Chinese) Water dragon
Cyrtodactylus jeyporensisJeypore hill gecko
Tarentola chazaliaeHelmethead gecko
Phrynosoma spp.Horned lizardsAll family listed
Epicrates inornatusPuerto Rican BoaDownlisted from Appendix I
Chelus fimbriataAmazon matamata turtle
Chelus orinocensisOrinoco matamata turtle
Macrochelys temminckii
Alligator snapping turtle
Chelydra serpentinaCommon snapping turtle
Graptemys barbouri, G. ernesti, G. gibbonsi, G. pearlensis, G. pulchra

Broad headed map turtles
Rhinoclemmys spp.Neotropical wood turtles
All family listed
Claudius angustatus
Narrow bridged musk turtle
Kinosternon spp.
Mud turtles
All family except those in Appendix I
Staurotypus triporcatus
Mexican Musk turtle
Staurotypus salvinii
Giant musk turtle
Sternotherus spp.Musk turtles
All family listed
Apalone spp.
American softshell turtles
All family except those in Appendix I
Glass frogs
All family listed
Agalychnis lemur
Lemur frog
Zero export quota from the wild
Laotriton laoensis
Laos warty newt
Zero export quota from the wild
Requiem sharks
All family listed
Sphyrnidae spp.
Hammer-head sharks
All family listed
Potamotrygon albimaculata, P. henlei, P. jabuti, P. leopoldi, P. marquesi, P. signati, P. wallacei,Fresh water stingrays
Hypancistrus zebra
Zebra plecoZero export quota from the wild
RhinobatidaeGuitarfishesAll family listed
Thelenota spp.Sea cucumbersAll family listed. Delayed implementation 18 months
Handroanthus spp., Tabebuia spp., Roseodendron spp.Trumpet treesAll family listed. Delayed implementation 24 months
Rhodiola spp.RhodiolaAll family listed
Afzelia spp.Pod mahoganyAll family listed
Pterocarpus spp.African rosewoodAll African populations of all family listed
Khaya spp.African mahoganyAll family listed
How to apply for Registration

1.      For every specimen, make sure to have the necessary proof of legal acquisition dating (such as an receipt) before entry into force of the regulation;

2.      Make sure that specimen/s are uniquely marked in one of the following ways:

a.      By using ISO Standard unalterable microchips (in case of reptiles, and mammals or any avifauna which is not marked by a closed ring);  or

b.      uniquely marked seamless closed-rings (in case of avifauna). Avifauna already marked by a uniquely marked seamless closed-ring, do not requre to be microchipped.

3.      Download the registration form from the link;

4.      Infill the form providing the proof of legal acquisition and photos of the specimens. In case of avifauna, photos of the ring is to be shown;

5.      Submit the form to ERA through the postal address, email or by hand.

ERA shall issue a letter registering the specimen accordingly, which may follow by an inspection of the specimen.

Various events which occur in Natura 2000 sites (SACs and SPAs) designated through the relevant regulations, including music events, barbecues, etc and are subject to prior ERA clearance. To this effect, ERA has published General rules for certain organized activities and events involving crowds


These rules apply for activities occurring within or affecting Natura 2000 sites as per Annex 1 in the document- For activities of more than 25 persons, a prior notification of the activity shall be submitted to ERA at least 15 days before the event on [email protected] with the details of the checklist in Annex 2 of the document.


Provided that, on a case by case basis the ERA may request a formal Environmental Permit prior to the activity occurring or otherwise impose additional conditions including the provision of an appropriate bank guarantee to ensure adherence with conditions. Applications for a formal permit are to be submitted through the online ERIS portal


Animal holding units such as farms, stables, kennels and slaughterhouses fall within the remit of the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA) vis-à-vis waste management of manure and other animal by-products. In accordance with regulation 42 of the S.L 549.45, the Waste Management (Activity Registration) Regulations, animal holding units must be in compliance with a number of requirements. These same requirements can also be found within conditions in the approved General Binding Rules issued by the ERA and any other relevant permits.

The keeping of animals and waste management of farms has to follow the guidelines listed in the Code of Good Agricultural Practice as published by the Agricultural Directorate.

The Compliance and Enforcement Directorate, carries out inspections both as part of pre-permit inspections as well as compliance inspections, the latter which usually arise from various sources, such as sporadic inspections, complaints, etc. In the event that non-compliances are present on site, the Authority may proceed to take enforcement actions, as deemed necessary. The following is a non-exhaustive list of aspects which are verified by ERA officials for compliance purposes:

  • Permitting Requirements – Verification that operators are complying with their permit requirements from an environmental perspective.
  • Manure Clamps – These must be of sufficient volume to contain the solid manure. No manure produced by the establishment is to be spread on land between the 15th of October and 15th of March and thus should be contained within the manure clamp. They should also be constructed of an impervious material/flooring and consist of a number of ventilation ports. Overspilling of manure from the manure clamp is prohibited.
  • Settling Tanks and Cesspits – Settling tanks and cesspits that enclose manure generated by the animal holding units must be separate to those that lead to the main drain. The farm operators are required to separate the solid and liquid components of the sludgy manure within the settling tanks. The cesspit should only contain purified water, which is later collected by authorised bowsers that discard it at any facility that is authorised to treat such material. Some farms are allowed to hold a separator and macerator as an alternative method of waste separation.

Solid manure can be used as fertiliser, between the 16th of March and 14th of October by the operators themselves, sold to arable and other farmers, or else, disposed of at a waste management facility that can treat the organic fraction resulting from such manure. Any transportation of waste must be done via authorised vehicles in possession of a consignment permit. Moreover, operators must keep record of the final destination.

The management of manure depends on the type of farm. Farms that fall within the remit of the ERA include, amongst others, cattle farms, sheep farms, broiler farms, layer farms and pig farms.

Shipments of Waste are regulated by Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste [so-called Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR)]. This regulation, which covers shipments of all types of waste, includes waste destined for recovery where a useful secondary source of raw material from the waste could be recovered, as well as waste destined for disposal.

In order to implement article 37(2) of the WSR, the Commission adopted Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 of 29 November 2007, concerning the export for recovery of certain waste listed in Annex III or IIIA to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council to certain countries to which the OECD Decision on the control of transboundary movements of wastes does not apply. Periodically, the Commission amends Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 as regards the procedures to be followed for export of waste to certain countries.

The Environment and Resources Authority, is the Competent Authority for the implementation of the WSR.

Exports to Malaysia

Exports of plastic waste to Malaysia under Basel Code B3011, a ‘pre-loading inspection report’ is required. This report must be prepared by a third-party inspection body (a list of monitory services can be accessed here). Prior to shipment, a signed copy of the report shall be submitted to the competent Authority in Malaysia ([email protected]) and the ERA on ([email protected]). Please note that contamination level shall not exceed 2% for Malaysia to accept the shipment.

Shipment of Non Hazardous (Green-Listed) Waste

For a step by step procedure in relation to shipment of Non Hazardous (Green-Listed) Waste (Click Here)

Shipment of Hazardous (Amber-Listed) Waste

For a step by step procedure in relation to shipment of Hazardous (Amber-Listed) Waste (Click Here)

Waste Shipment Inspection Plan for the Maltese Islands

The Waste Shipments Inspection plan, emanates from the legal obligations of Regulation (EC) No. 1013/2006, which sets outa set of criteria which all Member States (MS) should include in their three year plan. This plan identifies various means and actions to reduce illicit movements of waste. The introduction of the waste shipment inspection plan pursuant to Article 50 of the WSR obliges all MS to have a plan in place by 1 January 2017 and by the end of 2019 all MS should have had implemented all or most of the measures indicated in the plan in order to combat illegal movements of waste within their jurisdiction.

To access the Waste Shipment Inspection Plan for the Maltese Islands (Click Here)

Information on Inspections of Shipments of Waste Pursuant to Article 51(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on Shipments of Waste:

Waste Shipments Annual Reports

For further enquiries please contact the competent authority on [email protected]

Further links related to Shipments of Waste:
Shipments of Waste
Transfrontier Shipments of Waste
Waste Shipment Controls

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is an environmental policy approach in which a producer’s (businesses/producers who manufacture and/or import products and place these products on the national market) responsibility for a product be it packaging, electrical and electronic equipment, or batteries and accumulators is extended to the post-consumer stage of a product’s life cycle.

The Compliance and Enforcement Directorate of the Environment and Resources Authority promotes extended producer responsibility awareness, ensures compliance with the legal obligations and take enforcement actions as deemed necessary.

Extended Producer Responsibility Inspections

Sheltered WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)As a regulatory Competent Authority, the Compliance and Enforcement Directorate carries out inspections related to extended producer responsibility on potential and/or alleged non-registered producers of electrical and electronic equipment; batteries and accumulators; and packaging and packaging waste.

Identified non-registered producers are investigated in order to ensure that the producers fulfil all of the obligations in accordance to the respective law either individually or else collectively by setting up or participating in any authorised Producer Responsibility Organisation (PROs).

Compliance and Enforcement action in accordance to the provisions of the Cap 549 of the laws of Malta, the Environment Protection Act, is taken on those producers who fail to comply with their legal obligations.

Authorised Producer Responsibility Organisations

The Directorate ensures that Authorised PROs of waste electrical and electronic equipment; waste batteries and accumulators; and packaging and packaging waste are operating in line with the legal obligations, permit conditions and are undertaking activities in line with good environmental practices at all times.

In line with legal obligations and the relevant permit conditions, the Producer Responsibility Organisations submit their annual and audit reports. Pursuant to SL 549.39 – Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment Regulations, respective PROs annual reports can be accessed from the annual report section.

The Directorate conduct the reviewing of PRO annual and audit reports and assess their performance in particular for collection and recycling targets.

Compliance and Enforcement related measures are taken as necessary against PROs at instances of breach of permit conditions and legal obligations as well as in the event of cases where the principal objectives of the permit are not attained.

Annual Reports

Annual Reports of Packaging Producer Responsibility Organisations:

Name of PROPRO Permit NumberYearAnnual Reports 1 Audit Report Submitted
GreenPak Ltd.WM 00021/042006DownloadYes
GreenPak Ltd.WM 00024/062007DownloadYes
GreenPak Ltd.​​WM 00025/072008DownloadYes
GreenMT Ltd.​​EP 00016/09 2009DownloadYes
Green Dot Ltd.​​WM 00039/08 2009DownloadYes
GreenMT Ltd.​​WM 00002/10 2010DownloadYes
Green Dot Ltd.​​EP 00046/09 2010DownloadYes
GreenMT Ltd.​​WM 00004/10 2011DownloadYes
​GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​​WM 00003/10 2011DownloadYes
GreenMT Ltd.​​WM 00004/10 2012Download2Yes
​GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​​WM 00003/10 2012Download2Yes
GreenMT Ltd.​​WM 00008/12 2013Download2Yes
​GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​​WM 00006/12 2013Download2Yes
GreenMT Ltd.​​WM 00008/12 2014Download2Yes
​GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​​WM 00006/12 2014Download2Yes
GreenMT Ltd.​​WM 00006/14 2015Download2Yes
​GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​WM 00005/14 2015Download2Yes
GreenMT Ltd.​WM 00006/14 2016Download2Yes
​GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​WM 00005/14 2016Download2Yes
GreenMT Ltd.​WM 00006/14​/A 2017Download2Yes
GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​WM 00005/14/A 2017Download2Yes
GreenMT Ltd.​WM 00006/14​/A 2018Download2Yes
GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​WM 00005/14/A2018Download2Yes
GreenMT Ltd.​WM 00006/14​/B 2019Download2Yes
GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.WM 00005/14/B2019Download2Yes
GreenMT Ltd.EP 0133/202020Download2Yes
GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​EP 0132/202020Download2Yes
GreenMT Ltd.EP 0133/202021Download2Yes
GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.​EP 0132/202021Download2Yes
1 Environmental Information pursuant to SL 549.39 - Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment Regulations
2 may be subject to revisions following quality checks procedures​

​​N.B. Commercial and other information on the operations of the packaging waste recovery scheme has been omitted.

Annual Reports of WEEE Producer Responsibility Organisations:

Name of PROPRO Permit NumberYearAnnual Reports 1 Audit Report Submitted
WEEE Malta Ltd.WM 00004/142015Download2Yes
WEEE Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)
WM 00003/142015Download2Yes
WEEE Malta Ltd.WM 00001/152016Download2Yes
WEEE Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)
WM 00002/152016Download2Yes
WEEE Malta Ltd.WM 00001/15/A2017Download2Yes
WEEE Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)
WM 00002/15/A2017Download2Yes
WEEE Malta Ltd.WM 00001/15/B 2018Download2Yes
WEEE Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)
WM 00002/15/B2018Download2Yes
WEEE Malta Ltd.WM 00001/15/C2019Download2Yes
WEEE Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)
WM 00002/15/C2019Download2Yes
WEEE Malta Ltd.EP 0112/202020Download2Yes
WEEE Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)
EP 0105/202020Download2Yes
WEEE Malta Ltd.EP 0112/202021Download2Yes
WEEE Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)
EP 0105/202021Download2Yes
1 Environmental Information pursuant to SL 549.39 - Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment Regulations
2 may be subject to revisions following quality checks procedures​

N.B. Commercial and other information on the operations of the packaging waste recovery scheme has been omitted.

Annual Reports of Batteries Producer Responsibility Organisations:

Name of PROPRO Permit NumberYearAnnual Reports 1 Audit Report Submitted
GreenPak Battery Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)​
WM 00001/162017Download2Yes
GreenPak Battery Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)​
WM 00001/16/A2018Download2Yes
GreenPak Battery Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)​
WM 00001/16/B2019Download2Yes
GreenPak Battery Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)​
EP 0106/202020Download2Yes
GreenPak Battery Recycle
(GreenPak Coop Society Ltd.)​
EP 0106/202021Download2Yes
1 Environmental Information pursuant to SL 549.39 - Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment Regulations
2 may be subject to revisions following quality checks procedures​

​​N.B. Commercial and other information on the operations of the packaging waste recovery scheme has been omitted.

S.L. 549.40 – Abandonment, Dumping and Disposal of Waste in Streets and Public Places or Areas  Regulations states that: No person shall throw down, drop, leave, or otherwise spill or deposit any litter in any public place, street, sea, or open space to which the public has access, unless such depositing and leaving is lawfully authorized. The same legislation provide the type of refuse for collection according to the Local Council schedule of refuse collection. Enforcement Officers on a regular basis are monitoring the streets or identified ‘hotspots’ around Malta and Gozo to fine any person who  contravenes  any  of  the  provisions contained in these regulations and shall be liable to a fine (ammenda) of not less than one hundred and fifty euro (€150). The monitoring of disposal of waste according to schedule is also monitored by LESA, the Police and Local Council.

A full list of active consignment permits can be found in the below link.

The document found in the link below is a register of all the consignment permits which were active at the time of uploading.  This list is updated regularly and therefore ERA advises that users always download the latest version in order to ensure that the data is the most up to date.

List of Active Consignment Permits

For further information, contact the Consignment Permit Team within ERA on 2292 3500 or on