All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the ERA Board in its sitting of 24/11/2023

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 0004/23Renewal and variation of EP 0020/19 for Avifilm Export Corporation LtdSan GwannGranted24/11/2023
EP 0005/23Renewal and variation of EP 0014/19 for The General Softdrinks Co. Ltd.Marsa and Sannat, GozoGranted24/11/2023
EP 0010/18*Application for the operation of a marine, terrestrial and avian specimen rehabilitation centre at Xrobb l-Ghagin Nature Park including ancillary operations and a discharge to sea.MarsaxlokkGranted24/11/2023
EP1329/23Illuminated TrailVerdala Palace BuskettGranted24/11/2023

*indicates post decision requirements

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP1042/23/V1Uprooting and transplanting of treesFlorianaGranted22/11/2023
EP1331/23Transplanting of treesSt JuliansGranted22/11/2023
EP1335/23Uprooting of treesLaw Courts VallettaWithdrawn by applicant22/11/2023
EP1371/23Reptiles and Amphibians studyVarious locationsGranted22/11/2023
EP1377/23Camping at Verdala PalaceVerdala Palace BuskettGranted22/11/2023
EP 1379/23Study on MammalsVarious locationsGranted22/11/2023
EP1380/23Camping at Verdala PalaceVerdala Palace BuskettGranted22/11/2023
2023MT0104Import of Alligator watch strap - Bluerock Operations ltd.SwitzerlandGranted22/11/2023
EPD/A/UC/054/23Propeller Cleaning - CMA CGM VitoriaTerminal 1 south MFTGranted20/11/2023
EPD/A/UC/055/23Propeller Cleaning - HOEGH TROTTERLa battery MarsaGranted24/11/2023
GBR/12/06378/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureSiggiewiRefused21/11/2023
GBR/12/06387/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteGhaxaqRefused21/11/2023
GBR/12/06388/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureGhaxaqRefused21/11/2023
GBR/12/06389/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)GhaxaqRefused21/11/2023
GBR/12/06440/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMarsaRefused21/11/2023
GBR/12/06441/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaRefused21/11/2023
GBR/12/06480/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureVictoriaRefused20/11/2023
GBR/12/06494/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wastePaolaRefused20/11/2023
GBR/12/06501/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteNaxxarRefused21/11/2023
GBR/12/06508/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteSan GwannRefused22/11/2023
GBR/12/06509/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureSan GwannRefused22/11/2023
GBR/12/06510/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)San GwannRefused22/11/2023
GBR/12/06535/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteNaxxarRefused22/11/2023
GBR/12/06570/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)MarsaRefused22/11/2023
GBR/12/06606/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZebbugRefused23/11/2023
GBR/12/06625/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteIklinRefused23/11/2023
GBR/12/06626/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)IklinRefused23/11/2023
GBR/12/06628/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteIklinRefused23/11/2023
GBR/12/06634/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteQormiRefused23/11/2023
GBR/12/06641/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)GharghurRefused23/11/2023
GBR/12/06642/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureFguraRefused24/11/2023
GBR/12/06646/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureQormiRefused23/11/2023
GBR/12/06647/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureQormiRefused23/11/2023
GBR/12/06688/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMgarrRefused24/11/2023
GBR/12/06421/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirkirkaraGranted22/11/2023
GBR/12/06422/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirkirkaraGranted22/11/2023
GBR/12/06423/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirkirkaraGranted22/11/2023
GBR/12/06498/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteSiggiewiGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06499/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureSiggiewiGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06500/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)SiggiewiGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06511/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteIklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06512/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)IklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06513/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureIklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06514/23C1 - Sharps/Hospital/Pharmaceutical WasteiklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06515/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteIklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06517/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteIklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06518/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteIklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06519/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)IklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06520/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteIklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06526/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteZebbugGranted21/11/2023
GBR/12/06527/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZebbugGranted21/11/2023
GBR/12/06528/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZebbugGranted21/11/2023
GBR/12/06560/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)IklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06562/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteIklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06564/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureiklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06565/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)IklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06566/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)iklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06567/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)IklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06571/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteNaxxarGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06572/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)NaxxarGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06573/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteNaxxarGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06574/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)NaxxarGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06579/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MgarrGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06580/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMgarrGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06581/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMgarrGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06582/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZejtunGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06583/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZebbugGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06584/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZebbugGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06585/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)ZebbugGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06587/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteZebbugGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06588/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZebbugGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06589/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZebbugGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06590/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)ZebbugGranted20/11/2023
GBR/12/06595/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaGranted21/11/2023
GBR/12/06596/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMarsaGranted21/11/2023
GBR/12/06597/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaGranted21/11/2023
GBR/12/06598/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMarsaGranted21/11/2023
GBR/12/06599/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMelliehaGranted21/11/2023
GBR/12/06607/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)NaxxarGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06611/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteIklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06612/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)IklinGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06613/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WastemostaGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06616/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)mostaGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06621/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirkirkaraGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06622/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirkirkaraGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06623/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirkirkaraGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06624/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)BirkirkaraGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06629/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMgarrGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06630/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMgarrGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06631/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MgarrGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06632/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)NaxxarGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06633/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)MgarrGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06638/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteGharghurGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06639/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureGharghurGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06640/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)GharghurGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06648/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteTarxienGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06649/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureTarxienGranted23/11/2023
GBR/12/06650/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)TarxienGranted23/11/2023
CP1789716 02 13* discarded equipment containing hazardous components (1) other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12All CA sites by WasteServ Malta Ltd to MMRF Triq Hal FarGranted23/11/2023
CP1789816 02 15* hazardous components removed from discarded equipmentAll CA sites by WasteServ Malta Ltd to MMRF Triq Hal FarGranted23/11/2023
CP1789918 01 03* wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infectionAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted23/11/2023
CP1790007 05 13* solid wastes containing hazardous substancesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted23/11/2023
CP1790118 01 06* chemicals consisting of or containing hazardous substancesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted23/11/2023
CP1790218 01 03* wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infectionNA to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted22/11/2023

All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
KE2023MT0187Registration of live Testudo graecan/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0188Registration of live Testudo graecan/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0189Registration of live Testudo graecan/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0190Registration of live Testudo graecan/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0191Registration of live Testudo graecan/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0192Registration of live Testudo graecan/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0193Registration of live Testudo graecan/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0194Registration of live Testudo graecan/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0195Registration of live Testudo hermannin/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0196Registration of live Testudo kleinmannin/aGranted13/11/2023
KE2023MT0197Registration of live Testudo kleinmannin/aGranted13/11/2023
EPD/A/UC/050/23Propeller Cleaning of CC AbidjanTerminal 2 south MFTGranted16/11/2023
EPD/A/UC/051/23Propeller Cleaning of NICOLAS DELMASTerminal 2 south MFTGranted16/11/2023
EP 1384/23Registration of 5 stablesTriq tas-Salvatur, XewkijaGranted13/11/2023
MT23/000023Export of cytotoxic and clinical waste (EWC code 18 01 08*, 18 01 03* & 18 01 06*) to Portugal through Italy, Spain and France n/aGranted14/11/2023
MT23/000008Export of aqueous washing liquid & mother liquors from MFSU of Fine Chemicals (EWC Code 07 07 01*) to Spain through Italy and Francen/aGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06200/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMaghtabGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06201/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMaghtabGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06204/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MaghtabGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06256/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)FguraGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06257/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)FguraGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06258/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureFguraGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06259/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteFguraGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06317/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteZabbarGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06343/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirzebbugiaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06403/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)MaghtabGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06410/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteHamrunGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06411/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMaltaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06412/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteSwieqiGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06413/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteHamrunGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06414/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06415/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteMarsaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06416/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteHamrunGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06417/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteZabbarGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06418/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZabbarGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06419/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZabbarGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06424/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06425/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteMarsaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06426/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteZebbugGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06427/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZebbugGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06428/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirzebbugaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06429/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirzebbugaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06430/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06431/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06432/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06433/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteSiggiewiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06434/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureSiggiewiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06435/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)SiggiewiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06436/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)SiggiewiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06437/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)San Pawl il-BaharGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06438/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureSan Pawl il-BaharGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06442/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMostaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06443/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMostaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06445/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MostaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06447/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasteBirzebbugiaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06450/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteBirzebbugiaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06451/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugiaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06452/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteBirzebbugiaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06453/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugiaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06454/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteBirzebbugiaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06455/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugiaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06457/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteSiggiewiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06458/23C1 - Sharps/Hospital/Pharmaceutical WasteSiggiewiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06459/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteQormiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06460/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureQormiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06461/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)QormiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06462/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)QormiGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06463/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteVictoriaGranted15/11/2023
GBR/12/06464/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)VictoriaGranted15/11/2023
GBR/12/06465/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureNadurGranted15/11/2023
GBR/12/06466/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirzebbugiaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06467/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BIrzebbugiaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06468/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteBirzebbugiaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06469/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureSan Pawl il-Ba?arGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06470/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteDingliGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06471/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteZejtunGranted15/11/2023
GBR/12/06473/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteXghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06474/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureXghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06475/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06477/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasteBirzebbugiaGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06478/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)XghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06479/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)XghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06481/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteIklinGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06482/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)IklinGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06483/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMarsaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06484/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMarsaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06485/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06486/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)MarsaGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06487/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteXghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06488/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureXghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06489/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteMriehelGranted13/11/2023
GBR/12/06490/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06491/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteXghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06492/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureXghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06493/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XghajraGranted14/11/2023
GBR/12/06495/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)San Pawl il-BaharGranted15/11/2023
GBR/12/06496/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureSan Pawl il-BaharGranted15/11/2023
GBR/12/06497/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)VictoriaGranted15/11/2023
GBR/12/06522/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirzebbugaGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06523/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirzebbugaGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06529/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteZurrieqGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06531/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteZurrieqGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06532/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteZurrieqGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06533/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteZurrieqGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06534/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteZurrieqGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06536/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteMostaGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06537/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MostaGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06538/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteZurrieqGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06539/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZurrieqGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06540/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteZurrieqGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06541/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZurrieqGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06542/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureGhajnsielem GozoGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06543/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)Ghajnsielem GozoGranted16/11/2023
GBR/12/06545/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteXghajraGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06546/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureXghajraGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06547/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XghajraGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06548/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteXghajraGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06549/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureXghajraGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06550/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XghajraGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06551/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteXghajraGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06552/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureXghajraGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06553/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XghajraGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06554/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBurmarradGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06555/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BurmarradGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06556/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)HamrunGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06557/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteKirkopGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06558/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)KirkopGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06559/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteKirkopGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06561/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteKirkopGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06563/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteKirkopGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06568/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureVictoriaGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06569/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)VictoriaGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06575/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteAttardGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06576/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureAttardGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06577/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)AttardGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06578/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)AttardGranted17/11/2023
GBR/12/06312/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06313/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteRabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06314/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureRabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06315/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)RabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06316/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)RabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06318/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteRabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06319/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureRabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06321/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)RabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06322/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)RabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06334/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteRabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06335/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureRabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06336/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)RabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06337/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)RabatRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06339/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirkirkaraRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06340/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirkirkaraRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06341/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirkirkaraRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06362/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureFguraRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06402/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureVictoriaRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06420/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)MarsaRejected16/11/2023
GBR/12/06444/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MostaRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06448/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)MaghtabRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06449/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)MaghtabRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06456/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteSiggiewiRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06472/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteZejtunRejected13/11/2023
GBR/12/06476/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)BirzebbugiaRejected15/11/2023
GBR/12/06502/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MostaRejected15/11/2023
GBR/12/06504/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteBirzebbugiaRejected14/11/2023
GBR/12/06505/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugiaRejected14/11/2023
GBR/12/06506/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteBirzebbugiaRejected14/11/2023
GBR/12/06507/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugiaRejected14/11/2023
GBR/12/06516/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)IklinRejected16/11/2023
GBR/12/06530/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteZurrieqRejected16/11/2023
CP1789216 02 13* discarded equipment containing hazardous components (1) other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12All businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Warehouse 10 Tal-Barrani Industrial Park GhaxaqRefused15/11/2023
CP1789320 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)All CA sites by WasteServ Malta Ltd to MMRF Triq Hal FarGranted17/11/2023
CP1789420 01 23* discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbonsAll CA sites by WasteServ Malta Ltd to MMRF Triq Hal FarGranted17/11/2023
CP1789520 01 21* fluorescent tubes and other mercury-containing wasteAll CA sites by WasteServ Malta Ltd to MMRF Triq Hal FarGranted17/11/2023
CP1789616 02 11* discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons, HCFC, HFCAll CA sites by WasteServ Malta Ltd to MMRF Triq Hal FarGranted17/11/2023

All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the ERA Board in its sitting of 10/11/2023

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 1290/23Renewal and variation of EP 0028/22 to operate the Marina Hotel Corinthia Beach ResortSt Julian'sGranted10/11/2023
IP 0004/07/C/V2WasteServ Malta Ltd. - Application for the variation of IP 0004/07/C in relation to a thermal treatment facilityMarsaGranted10/11/2023
IP 0004/21Sterling Chemical Malta Ltd. - Request for extension of validity for the IPPC permit
Hal FarGranted10/11/2023
IP 00102/22 WasteServ Malta Ltd. - Application for the operation of a new installation for the temporary storage and limited processing of hazardous and non-hazardous wasteHal FarGranted10/11/2023
EP 1329/23The installation of temporary light sculptures and a walk-through eventVerdala Palace, BuskettGranted10/11/2023

*indicates post decision requirements

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 1355/23Registration as Licensed tree specialistn/aGranted09/11/2023
EP 1373/23Registration as Licensed tree specialistn/aGranted09/11/2023
EP 1374/23Light pruning of treesMisrah San DuminkuGranted08/11/2023
EP 1376/23Transplanting and replacement of treesMosta Square, MostaGranted06/11/2023
2023MT0102Import of watch strap with Alligator missisippiensisn/aGranted10/11/2023
2023MT0103Import of watch strap with Alligator missisippiensisn/aGranted10/11/2023
2023MT0101Import of watch strap with Alligator missisippiensisn/aGranted10/11/2023
EP 1451/22Propeller CleaningCruise Terminal VallettaGranted07/11/2023
EP 1451/23Propeller CleaningTerminal 1 north MFTGranted08/11/2023
NZ 007/22First amendment to extend consent periodn/aGranted09/11/2023
GBR/12/06000/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06062/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06064/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06124/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06178/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06179/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06180/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06181/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06193/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06194/23C1 - Sharps/Hospital/Pharmaceutical Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06195/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06196/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06197/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06198/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06202/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06214/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06215/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06219/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06221/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06223/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06231/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06243/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06246/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06247/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06248/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06249/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06250/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06253/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06254/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06255/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06263/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06264/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06265/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06266/23C1 - Sharps/Hospital/Pharmaceutical Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06267/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06271/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06273/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06274/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06275/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06279/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06281/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06282/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06283/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06284/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06285/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06306/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06308/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted06/11/2023
GBR/12/06003/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06031/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06035/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06037/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06073/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06121/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06189/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06199/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06211/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06213/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06216/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06217/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06218/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06220/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06222/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06224/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06225/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06226/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06227/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06229/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06232/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06237/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06238/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06268/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06269/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06270/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06272/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06276/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06277/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06278/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06280/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06287/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06289/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06290/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06291/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06294/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06295/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06296/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06297/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06298/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06302/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06303/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06304/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06305/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06307/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06309/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06310/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06311/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06323/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06324/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06325/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06326/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06328/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06329/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06331/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06332/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06333/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06338/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06342/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06358/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06359/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06360/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06361/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06363/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06364/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06365/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06366/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06367/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06368/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06369/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06370/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06371/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06372/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted07/11/2023
GBR/12/06233/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06235/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06288/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06292/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06299/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06300/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06301/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06327/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06344/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06345/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06346/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06347/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06348/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06349/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06351/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06352/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06353/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06354/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06355/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06356/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06357/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06374/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06375/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06376/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06377/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06379/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06380/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06381/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06382/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06384/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06385/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06390/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06391/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06392/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06393/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06394/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06395/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06396/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06397/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06398/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06399/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06400/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06401/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06404/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06405/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06406/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06407/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06408/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06409/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted10/11/2023
GBR/12/06286/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused06/11/2023
GBR/12/05671/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06094/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06095/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06096/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06206/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06320/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06330/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06373/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06383/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06386/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused07/11/2023
GBR/12/06175/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused08/11/2023
GBR/12/06176/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused08/11/2023
GBR/12/06177/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused08/11/2023
GBR/12/06210/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused08/11/2023
GBR/12/06212/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused08/11/2023
GBR/12/06350/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aRefused08/11/2023
GBR/12/06293/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused09/11/2023
GBR/12/06260/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused10/11/2023
GBR/12/06261/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused10/11/2023
GBR/12/06262/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused10/11/2023
GBR/12/06446/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused10/11/2023
CP1789016 10 01* - aqueous liquid wastes containing hazardous substancesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to 42, Spencer Hill MarsaGranted07/11/2023
CP1789116 06 01* - lead batteriesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Schembri Batteries A39, Marsa Industrial Estate MarsaGranted07/11/2023

All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 1303/23Transplanting and uprooting of treesTriq Bellavista and Triq Sliema, San ?wann, Malta.Granted03/11/2027
EP 1451/22Propeller CleaningMFT Terminal 1 NorthGranted03/11/2023
EP 1451/22Propeller CleaningMFT Terminal 1 NorthGranted03/11/2023
KE2023MT0184Registration of live Psittacus erithacusn/aGranted01/11/2023
KE2023MT0185Registration of live Psittacus erithacusn/aGranted01/11/2023
KE2023MT0186Registration of live Psittacus erithacusn/aGranted01/11/2023
2023MT0099Import of live Testudo graecan/aGranted01/11/2023
2023MT0100Import of live Psittacus erithacusn/aGranted01/11/2023
MT21/0000562nd Amendment to include Ecowind, Amorgos and Ecoglory as waste carriersn/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06054/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06055/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06066/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06067/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06068/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06069/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06070/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06071/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06072/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06148/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06149/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06150/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06151/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06152/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06153/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06154/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06155/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06156/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06157/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06158/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06159/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06160/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06162/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06163/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06164/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06165/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06167/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06168/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06169/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06170/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06171/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06172/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06173/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06174/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06182/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06183/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06184/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06185/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06186/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06187/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06188/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06190/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06191/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06192/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06234/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06239/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06240/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06241/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06242/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06244/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06251/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted02/11/2023
GBR/12/06252/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06004/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06025/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06079/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06081/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06083/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06084/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06122/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06123/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06125/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06126/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06127/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06128/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06130/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06131/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06132/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06133/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06134/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06135/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06136/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06137/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06138/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06139/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06140/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06141/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06142/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06143/23C1 - Sharps/Hospital/Pharmaceutical Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06144/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06145/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06147/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06161/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06166/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06228/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06230/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06236/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/06245/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted03/11/2023
GBR/12/05915/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused01/11/2023
GBR/12/06051/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused01/11/2023
GBR/12/06065/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused01/11/2023
GBR/12/06129/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused01/11/2023
GBR/12/06146/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused03/11/2023
GBR/12/06203/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aRefused03/11/2023
GBR/12/06205/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused03/11/2023
GBR/12/06207/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused03/11/2023
GBR/12/06208/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aRefused03/11/2023
CP1788820 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Xghajra Local Council to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaRefused31/10/2023
CP1788918 01 03* wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infectionAll businesses and commericail users as per annex 1 to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted03/11/2023

All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the ERA Board in its sitting of 27/10/2023

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP1363/23*Uprooting and transplanting of treesFormer ITS Site, Wesghet George Portanier & Wesghet Lewis V., PembrokeGranted27/10/2023

*indicates post decision requirements

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 1180/23Interventions on treesSelmun Road, MelliehaWithdrawn23/10/2023
EP 1244/23Uprooting and transplanting of treesLand, Triq il-Madonna tal-Abbandunati, Wardija, San Pawl il-BaharGranted27/10/2023
EP 1266/23Block permit for works on treesVariousGranted23/10/2023
EP 1294/23Transplanting of olive treesRabat District Office, Triq il-Lellux, RabatGranted27/10/2023
EP 1307/23Renewal of EP 1239/23 - replenishment of Tax-XamaSqaq tax-Xama San Pawl il-BaharGranted23/10/2023
EP 1311/23Uprooting anf transplanting of treesSite, Sqaq 3, Triq San Gakbu, SiggiewiGranted27/10/2023
EP 1314/23Uprooting of a dead treeGnien il-Volontarjat, Triq is-Sajf, QormiGranted27/10/2023
EP 1333/23Falconry eventsCominoGranted27/10/2023
EP 1342/23Reconstruction of a rubble wallLand at l-Andar,Trix ix-Xlendi,MunxarGranted27/10/2023
EP 1349/23Transplanting of treesVacant Plot, Triq Bullara c/w, Triq Laurent Ropa', Xaghra, GozoGranted26/10/2023
EP 1359/23Pruning of treesTower Road, SliemaNo permit required26/10/2023
EP 1364/23Pruning of treesTriq ix-Xatt, SliemaNo permit required26/10/2023
KE2023MT0170Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0171Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0172Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0173Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0174Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0175Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0176Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0177Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0178Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0179Registration of live Tyto alban/aGranted24/10/2023
KE2023MT0182Registration of live Testudo hermannin/aGranted27/10/2023
KE2023MT0183Registration of live Testudo hermannin/aGranted27/10/2023
KE2023MT0180Registration of live Testudo hermannin/aGranted25/10/2023
KE2023MT0181Registration of live Testudo hermannin/aGranted25/10/2023
2023MT0098Import of watch strap with Alligator mississippinsisn/aGranted27/10/2023
EP 1451/22Propeller CleaningPinto 1 and 2Granted26/10/2023
EP 1451/22Propeller CleaningTerminal 1 north MFTGranted26/10/2023
CA715317Transit through Malta of batteries, wet, filled with acid (A1160) from Canada to Indian/aGranted20/10/2023
CA715318Transit through Malta of batteries, wet, filled with acid (A1160) from Canada to Palkistann/aWithdrawn24/10/2023
GBR/12/05867/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05871/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05886/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05887/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05888/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05898/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05899/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05961/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05962/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05963/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05966/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05967/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05968/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05970/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05971/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05972/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05973/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05974/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05975/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05976/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05977/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05978/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05979/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05980/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05981/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05982/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05983/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05984/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05985/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05986/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted23/10/2023
GBR/12/05910/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05911/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05925/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05926/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05927/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05929/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05930/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05931/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05939/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05940/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05941/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05944/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05945/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05946/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05947/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05951/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05952/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05956/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05957/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05958/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05959/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05987/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05988/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05989/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05990/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05991/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05992/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05994/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted24/10/2023
GBR/12/05932/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/05933/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/05934/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/05935/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/05936/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/05937/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/05938/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/05993/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06005/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06006/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06007/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06008/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06009/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06010/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06011/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06012/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06013/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/06014/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/10/2023
GBR/12/05943/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/05954/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/05955/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/05960/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/05999/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06001/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06002/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06015/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06016/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06017/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06018/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06019/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06020/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06021/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06022/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06023/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06024/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06038/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06039/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06040/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06042/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06060/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/06061/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted27/10/2023
GBR/12/05819/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05857/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05858/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05859/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05862/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05893/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05894/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05895/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05909/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05942/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05964/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05969/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused23/10/2023
GBR/12/05916/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused24/10/2023
GBR/12/05924/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused24/10/2023
GBR/12/05928/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused24/10/2023
GBR/12/05953/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused24/10/2023
GBR/12/05760/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused25/10/2023
GBR/12/05880/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused25/10/2023
GBR/12/05881/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused25/10/2023
GBR/12/05891/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused25/10/2023
GBR/12/05892/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused25/10/2023
GBR/12/05965/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aRefused25/10/2023
GBR/12/05997/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused25/10/2023
GBR/12/05998/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused25/10/2023
GBR/12/06041/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused27/10/2023
EP 01362/23Renewal of EP 01384/22: Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Seahopper’ (Official NO. 19424 & IMO No. 8327296)n/aGranted24/10/2023
EP 01360/23Renewal of EP 01436/22: Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Antonia I’ (Official No. S-23114)n/aGranted23/10/2023
EP 01368/23Renewal and variation of EP 01398/22: Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Mumtaz’ (Official & IMO No. 9268514)n/aGranted27/10/2023
EP 01367/23Renewal of EP 01402/22: Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Yaizatun Dos’ (Official No. 10185)n/aGranted27/10/2023
EP 01366/23Renewal of EP 01401/22: Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Ricardo F’ (Official No. 17057)n/aGranted27/10/2023
CP1788520 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Counsils to Civic Amenity Site MaghtabRefused24/10/2023
CP1788620 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site MaghtabRefused24/10/2023
CP1788721 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Xghajra Local Council to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaRefused26/10/2023

All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the ERA Board in its sitting of 27/10/2023

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 01218/23*Application for the renewal and variation of EP 0074/20 for the operation of a security printing facility by De La Rue Currency & Security Print Ltd.BulebelGranted20/10/2023
EP 01307/23Renewal of EP 01239/22- Re-nourishment of a sandy beachTax-Xama, San Pawl il-BaħarGranted20/10/2023
EP 01262/23/V1Variation of EP 01262/23 for transplanting, uprooting and hard pruning of treesMellieħa Bay HotelGranted20/10/2023

*indicates post decision requirements

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP1218/23*by De La Rue Currency & Security Print Ltd. - Application for the renewal and variation of EP 0074/20 for the operation of a security printing facilityBulebelGranted20/10/2023
EP 1307/23Renewal of EP 1239/22- Re-nourishment of a sandy beachTax-Xama, San Pawl il-Ba?arGranted20/10/2023
EP 1262/23/V1Variation of EP 1262/23 for transplanting, uprooting and hard pruning of treesMellie?a Bay HotelGranted20/10/2023
EP 1306/23Renewal of EP 1254/22 - Sand sifting activitiesGhadira BayGranted19/10/2023
EP 1310/23CleanupsCirkewwa Marine ParkGranted19/10/2023
EP 1326/23Surveying of bats at roosting sitesVariousGranted19/10/2023
EP 1327/23Planting of indigenous speciesVarious protected sitesGranted19/10/2023
EP 1334/23Fungi and myxomycetes studyMaqlubaGranted19/10/2023
KE2023MT0169Registration of live Psittacus erithacusn/aGranted19/10/2023
2023MT0097Import of 2 watch straps with Alligator mississipiensisn/aGranted19/10/2023
2023MT0096Import of watch straps with Alligator mississipiensisn/aGranted19/10/2023
2023MT0095Import of watch straps with Alligator mississipiensisn/aGranted19/10/2023
EP 1451/22Propeller CleaningTerminal 1 north MFTGranted16/10/2023
EP 1451/22Propeller CleaningTerminal 1 north MFTGranted18/10/2023
MT22/000020Export of WEEE containing CFCÂ’s, HFCÂ’s and HCFCÂ’s (EWC Codes 16 02 11* and 20 01 23*) to ItalyN/AGranted20/10/2023
GBR/12/05503/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05634/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05714/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05847/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05848/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05849/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05850/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05851/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05852/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05853/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05854/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05855/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05861/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05863/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05864/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05865/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05868/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05869/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05870/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05792/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05793/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05794/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05795/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05796/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05797/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05803/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05804/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05805/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05806/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05807/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05808/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05809/23C1 - Sharps/Hospital/Pharmaceutical Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05812/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05813/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05814/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05815/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05816/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05817/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05818/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05896/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05897/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05900/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05901/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05902/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05903/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05904/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05906/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05907/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted17/10/2023
GBR/12/05779/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05856/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05866/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05873/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05874/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05875/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05876/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05877/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05878/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05879/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05884/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05885/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/10/2023
GBR/12/05798/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05800/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05802/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05912/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05913/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05914/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05917/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05918/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05919/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05920/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05921/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05922/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05923/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted19/10/2023
GBR/12/05607/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted16/10/2023
GBR/12/05608/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05609/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05610/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05626/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05654/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05708/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05709/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05710/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05721/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05722/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05723/23C1 - Sharps/Hospital/Pharmaceutical Wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05724/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05725/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05728/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05729/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05731/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05732/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05733/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05810/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05820/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05842/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05860/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aRefused16/10/2023
GBR/12/05627/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05736/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05755/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05759/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05771/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05775/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05783/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05784/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05785/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05811/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05905/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused17/10/2023
GBR/12/05872/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused18/10/2023
GBR/12/05882/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/10/2023
GBR/12/05883/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused18/10/2023
GBR/12/05889/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/10/2023
GBR/12/05890/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/10/2023
EP 01347/23Renewal of EP 01358/22- Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Foxtrot’ (official No. 13593)n/aGranted16/10/2023
EP 01348/23Renewal of EP 01359/22- Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Ohio’ (Official No. 14866)n/aGranted16/10/2023
EP 01354/23Renewal of EP 01440/22: Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Santa Elena’ (Official No. 06048 & IMO No. 8125600)n/aGranted19/10/2023
EP 01352/23Renewal and variation of EP 01442/22: Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Santa Maria’ (Official No. 09952 & IMO No. 7423732)n/aGranted19/10/2023
EP 01353/23Renewal and variation of EP 01443/22: Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Santa Lucia’ (Official & IMO No. 9260500)n/aGranted19/10/2023
EP 01351/23Renewal and variation of EP 01425/22: Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Spiro F’ (Offical No. 05659 & IMO No. 6820842)n/aGranted19/10/2023
CP1787013 07 01* - fuel oil and dieselAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Greenskips Ltd Unit 1, TaÂ’ l-Imriekeb Ramla Road NXR 6540 MaghtabGranted17/10/2023
CP1787110 01 22* - aqueous sludges from boiler cleansing containing hazardous substancesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Greenskips Ltd Unit 1, TaÂ’ l-Imriekeb Ramla Road NXR 6540 MaghtabGranted17/10/2023
CP1787213 07 01* - fuel oil and dieselAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Greenskips Ltd Unit 1, TaÂ’ l-Imriekeb Ramla Road NXR 6540 MaghtabRejected17/10/2023
CP1787320 01 35* - discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)All businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Greenskips Ltd Unit 1, Ta’ l-Imriekeb Ramla Road NXR 6540 MaghtabGranted17/10/2023
CP1787420 01 21* - fluorescent tubes and other mercury-containing wasteAll Business and commercial users as per annex 1 to WEEE (Malta) Ltd Tar-Robba Recycling Plant MqabbaGranted17/10/2023
CP1787516 02 13* - discarded equipment containing hazardous components (1) other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12All Business and commercial users as per annex 1 to WEEE (Malta) Ltd Tar-Robba Recycling Plant MqabbaGranted17/10/2023
CP1787620 01 23* - discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbonsAll Business and commercial users as per annex 1 to WEEE (Malta) Ltd Tar-Robba Recycling Plant MqabbaGranted17/10/2023
CP1787718 02 08 - medicines other than those mentioned in 18 02 07All Business and commercial users as per annex 1 to WEEE (Malta) Ltd Tar-Robba Recycling Plant MqabbaRejected17/10/2023
CP1787818 01 04 - wastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection (for example dressings, plaster casts, linen, disposable clothing, diapers)Gozo General Hospital to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaRejected17/10/2023
CP1787920 01 27* - paint, inks, adhesives and resins containing hazardous substancesAll CA sites at WasteServ Malta Ltd to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted17/10/2023
CP1788013 02 08* - other engine, gear and lubricating oilsAll CA sites at WasteServ Malta Ltd to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted17/10/2023
CP1788118 01 03* - wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infectionAll CA sites at WasteServ Malta Ltd to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted18/10/2023
CP1788208 03 17* - waste printing toner containing hazardous substancesAll CA sites at WasteServ Malta Ltd to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted18/10/2023
CP1788318 01 03* - wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infectionSAINT JAMES HOSPITAL ZEJTUN to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted18/10/2023
CP1788418 01 03* - wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infectionGozo General Hospital to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted18/10/2023

All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the ERA Board in its sitting of 06/10/2023

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 01130/23*Central Cement Ltd. - Application for the renewal of EP 0055/14/B to operate an installation for the storage of cement and filling of road tankersKordinGranted06/10/2023
EP 01013/23*MareBlu Tuna Farm Ltd. - Application for the operation of an aquaculture ancillary facilityNaxxarGranted06/10/2023

*indicates post decision requirements

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 1291/23Transplanting and uprooting of treesVjal il-Labour, In-Naxxar, Malta.granted04/10/2023
EP 1296/23Transaplanting of trees29, Triq Sant' Ubaldiska, Paolagranted04/10/2023
EP 1308/23CampingCominowithdrawn02/10/2023
EP 1318/23Transplanting of a treeTriq Santa Marija,
Marsalforn promenade,
I?-?ebbu?, Gozo.
MT22/000017Third amendment to include an additional sea carrierN/AGranted06/10/2023
GBR/12/05369/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05478/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05479/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05480/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05484/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05485/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05486/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05493/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05497/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05504/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05505/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05506/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05507/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05508/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05509/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05510/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05512/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05513/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05514/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05535/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05536/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05539/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05541/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05542/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05543/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05544/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05545/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05546/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05547/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05548/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05549/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05550/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05551/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05552/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05553/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05554/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05555/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05556/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05557/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05558/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05559/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted02/10/2023
GBR/12/05487/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05488/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05495/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05496/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05498/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05499/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05500/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05520/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05521/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05525/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05540/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05564/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05565/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05566/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05567/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05568/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05569/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05570/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05571/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05574/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05575/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05576/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05577/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05579/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05588/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05589/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05590/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05591/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05597/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteN/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05599/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/AGranted04/10/2023
GBR/12/05373/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05374/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05377/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05379/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05380/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05381/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05383/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05384/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05386/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05387/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05388/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05389/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05390/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05391/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05415/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05417/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05418/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05430/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05431/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05432/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05444/23A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05445/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05446/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05447/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05489/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)N/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05491/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05492/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteN/ARefused02/10/2023
GBR/12/05511/23A2 - Road Services and FurnitureN/ARefused02/10/2023
29/09/2023 10:09TRUEN/ARefused03/10/2023
29/09/2023 10:28TRUEN/ARefused03/10/2023
29/09/2023 10:32TRUEN/ARefused03/10/2023
29/09/2023 10:34TRUEN/ARefused04/10/2023
29/09/2023 10:37TRUEN/ARefused06/10/2023
29/09/2023 11:13TRUEN/ARefused06/10/2023
29/09/2023 11:20TRUEN/ARefused06/10/2023
29/09/2023 11:23TRUEN/ARefused06/10/2023
29/09/2023 11:25TRUEN/ARefused06/10/2023
CP 1778018 01 03* wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infectionMater Dei and other health institutions to Thermenal Facility Ltd. MarsaGranted02/10/2023
CP1778113 03 07* mineral-based non-chlorinated insulating and heat transmission oilsAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to PTM Waste Management Facility Ltd MqabbaGranted02/10/2023
CP1778213 01 10* mineral based non-chlorinated hydraulic oilsAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to PTM Waste Management Facility Ltd MqabbaGranted02/10/2023
CP1778313 02 06* synthetic engine, gear and lubricating oilsAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to PTM Waste Management Facility Ltd MqabbaGratned02/10/2023
CP1778413 05 07* oily water from oil/water separatorsAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to PTM Waste Management Facility Ltd MqabbaGranted02/10/2023
CP1778518 02 07* cytotoxic and cytostatic medicinesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to PTM Waste Management Facility Ltd MqabbaRejected02/10/2023
CP1778620 01 31* cytotoxic and cytostatic medicinesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to PTM Waste Management Facility Ltd MqabbaGranted02/10/2023
CP1778717 05 03* soil and stones containing hazardous substancesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to PTM Waste Management Facility Ltd MqabbaGranted02/10/2023
CP1778817 05 03* other fuels (including mixtures)All businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to PTM Waste Management Facility Ltd MqabbaGranted02/10/2023
CP1778913 07 03* medicines other than those mentioned in 18 01 08All business and commerical users as per annex 1 to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted02/10/2023
CP1779018 01 09 bulky wasteIsla Local Council to Civic Amenity Site Mriehel too Civic Amenity Site MriehelRejected03/10/2023
CP1779120 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Isla Local Council to Civic Amenity Site Mriehel too Civic Amenity Site MriehelRejected04/10/2023
CP1779218 01 03* wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infectionMater Dei and other health institutions to Thermenal Facility Ltd. MarsaGranted05/10/2023
CP1779320 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site XewkijaRejected06/10/2023
CP1779420 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site XewkijaRejected06/10/2023
CP1779520 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site MaghtabGranted05/10/2023
CP1779620 01 23* discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbonsLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site MaghtabRejected05/10/2023
CP1779720 01 23* discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbonsLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site MaghtabRejected05/10/2023
CP1779816 02 11*discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons, HCFC, HFCAll businesses and commercial users as per annxex 1 to WEE Recycle 4U Company Hal FarGranted06/10/2023


All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 1305/21Interventions on protected speciesFort Chambray, GozoGranted26/09/2023
EP 1320/23Activity in cominoCominoGranted26/09/2023
2023MT0090Import of watch strap with Alligator mississippiensisn/aGranted25/09/2023
2023MT0094Import of live birdsn/aGranted29/09/2023
2023MT0092Import of live birdsn/aGranted27/09/2023
2023MT0091Import of watch strap with Alligator mississippiensisn/aGranted25/09/2023
2023MT0093Import of watch strap with Alligator mississippiensisn/aGranted27/09/2023
EP 01317/23Registration of four (4) stablesGhajnsielemGranted26/09/2023
EP 01319/23Renewal of EP 01352/22: Registration of sheep farmXaghraGranted26/09/2023
EP 01261/23Registration of sheep farmGhajnsielemGranted28/09/2023
MT22/000058Export of grit waste (EWC Code 12 01 16*) from Malta to Spain through Italy, France and PortugalN/ADismissed27/09/2023
ZW/EMA/A3180/23/01Transit through Malta of liquids and solid wastes contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyl (EWC Codes 13 03 01* & 17 09 02*)N/ADismissed27/09/2023
CA715316Transit through Malta of batteries, wet, filled with acid (Basel Code A1160)N/AWithdrawn28/09/2023
MT23/000007Export of liquid pharmaceutical waste and other solvents (EWC Code 07 05 01*) from Malta to Spain through Italy and FranceN/AWithdrawn28/09/2023
MT22/000070Export of waste from mechanical treatment (EWC Code 19 12 12) to Belgium through Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom and The NetherandsN/AWithdrawn29/09/2023
EP 01321/23Waste carrier registration of vessel 'Lucky Lady'n/aGranted28/09/2023
EP 01328/23Waste carrier registration of vessel 'Bezz II'n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05204/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05270/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05272/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05351/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05352/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05353/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05354/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05355/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05357/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05359/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05360/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05361/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05362/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05363/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05364/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05365/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05366/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05404/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05405/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05406/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05407/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05408/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05409/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05410/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05411/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05412/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05413/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05414/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05419/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05420/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05421/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05422/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05423/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05424/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05425/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/09/2023
GBR/12/05375/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05376/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05378/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05385/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05393/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05394/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05396/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05397/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05398/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05402/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05403/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05448/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05449/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05450/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05451/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05452/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05453/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05454/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05456/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05457/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05458/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05459/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05460/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05461/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05462/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05463/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05464/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05465/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05466/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05371/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05372/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05392/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05395/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05433/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05434/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05435/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05436/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05437/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05438/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05439/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05441/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05442/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05443/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05467/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05468/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05469/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05470/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05471/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05472/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05473/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05474/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05475/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05476/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05481/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05482/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05483/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted28/09/2023
GBR/12/05140/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05147/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05236/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05273/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05274/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05275/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05348/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05349/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05350/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05356/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05358/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05367/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05401/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused25/09/2023
GBR/12/05416/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05300/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05301/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05302/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05455/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05477/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05440/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused27/09/2023
GBR/12/05375/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05376/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05378/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05385/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05393/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05394/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05396/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05397/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05398/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05402/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05403/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05448/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05449/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05450/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05451/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05452/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05453/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05454/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05456/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05457/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05458/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05459/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05460/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05461/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05462/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05463/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05464/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05465/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05466/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted26/09/2023
GBR/12/05300/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05301/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05302/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05455/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused26/09/2023
GBR/12/05477/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aRefused26/09/2023
CP 1777816 02 13* discarded equipment containing hazardous components (1) other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12All businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to WEEE Recycle 4U Company Ltd HHF040 Industrial Zone, Hal FarGranted28/09/2023
CP1777920 01 21* fluorescent tubes and other mercury-containing wasteAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to WEEE Recycle 4U Company Ltd HHF040 Industrial Zone, Hal FarGranted28/09/2023

All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
GBR/12/05201/23D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05202/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05205/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05235/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05237/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05238/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05241/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05242/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05243/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05244/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05245/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05246/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05247/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05248/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05249/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05250/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05251/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05252/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05253/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05254/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05255/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05256/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05257/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05258/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05259/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05260/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05261/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05276/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05277/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05278/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05279/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05280/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05281/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05282/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05285/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05286/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05287/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05288/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05289/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05290/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05291/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05292/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05293/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05294/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05295/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05297/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05298/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05299/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05303/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05304/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05305/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05306/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05307/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05309/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05310/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05311/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05312/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05314/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05315/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05316/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05317/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05318/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05319/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05321/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05322/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05323/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05324/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05325/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05327/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05328/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05329/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/05331/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted18/09/2023
GBR/12/04960/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05060/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05061/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05157/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05158/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05159/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05160/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05239/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05240/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05262/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05263/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05332/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05333/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05334/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05335/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05336/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05337/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05338/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05339/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05340/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05341/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05342/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05343/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05344/23A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05345/23C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/05346/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/04992/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/04993/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/04994/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05195/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05220/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05221/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05264/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05265/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05308/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05313/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05320/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05326/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05330/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05034/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused18/09/2023
GBR/12/05062/23D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05173/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05174/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05178/23D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05182/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05183/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05184/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05267/23A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05268/23A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05283/23A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused19/09/2023
GBR/12/05284/23A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused19/09/2023
CP 1777020 01 21* - fluorescent tubes and other mercury-containing wasteAll CA sites to Civic Amenity Site Hal FarGranted20/09/2023
CP 1777120 01 23* - discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbonsAll CA sites to Civic Amenity Site Hal FarGranted20/09/2023
CP 1777220 01 23* - discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbonsAll CA sites to Civic Amenity Site Hal FarGranted20/09/2023
CP 1777305 01 03* - tank bottom sludgesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to Civil Amenity Site Hal FarGranted20/09/2023
CP 1777413 05 02* - sludges from oil/water separatorsAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to waste oils company Ltd. 42, Spencer Hill MarsaGranted20/09/2023
CP 1777513 05 07* - oily water from oil/water separatorsAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to waste oils company Ltd. 42, Spencer Hill MarsaGranted20/09/2023
CP 1777615 02 02* - absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified), wiping cloths, protective clothing contaminated by hazardous substancesAll businesses and commercial users as per annex 1 to waste oils company Ltd. 42, Spencer Hill MarsaGranted20/09/2023