Malta’s Programme of Measures for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Malta’s Programme of Measures for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC) establishes a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy. With a goal to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES)​ in Europe’s marine waters by 2020, this Directive presents a framework for EU Member States to manage human activities in the marine environment in a sustainable manner.

Malta’s Programme of Measures, pursuant to Article 13 of this Directive, is geared towards the achievement of GES in Malta’s marine waters by including measures that contribute to the achievement of GES for each of the different MSFD GES Descriptors, as well as exceptions, for cases where Malta deems that GES cannot be achieved.

More information on Malta’s Programme of Measures can be found at the link hereunder.



Programme of Measures