Pollution is defined by the Environment Protection Act 1 of 2016 as “the direct or indirect introduction by man, or due to natural processes, into the environment of substances, energy, organisms or genetic material that cause or are likely to cause hazard to human health, or harm to living resources or to the environment “.
If we consider the local scenario, the sources of water pollution are numerous, and their effects vary depending on the severity of the pollution source and its location. Following is a list of pollutants of relevance to the local environment and a short description of their effects:
Activity | Resulting Pollutants | Potential Impacts |
Agriculture | Nutrients Pesticides Suspended matter | • Decrease in light and oxygen availability to aquatic life. • Nutrient enrichment and eutrophication. • Increased stress to aquatic life. |
Sewage discharge | Biological Oxygen Demand Nutrients Organics Bacteria and viruses Turbidity Heavy metals Pesticides Other synthetic chemicals | • Decrease in light and oxygen availability. • Nutrient enrichment and eutrophication. • Alteration of habitats and communities. • Increased stress to aquatic life. |
Discharges from industry | Heavy metals Organics Synthetic chemicals Thermal pollution | • Increased stress to aquatic life. • Possible increased mortality in aquatic organisms. |
Aquaculture | Nutrients Suspended matter Organics | • Nutrient enrichment. • Reduced oxygen levels. • Accumulation of particulate wastes. • Alteration of habitats. |
Oil and fuel terminals | Petroleum Hydrocarbons | • Increased stress to aquatic life. |
Shipping, including bunkering and harbour dredging | Anti-fouling chemicals Petroleum Hydrocarbons Suspended matter Heavy metals | • Alteration of habitats. • Decrease in light and oxygen availability |
A comprehensive description of relevant pressures and impacts on Maltese surface waters can be found in Chapter 3 of the 2nd WCMP.