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Last amended: Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Order Details
Order Date:Mon., 21 January 2019
Order Status: Order issued. Appeal on Order was submitted and is pending.
Order type:Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità
Stop and Compliance Order
Location of Infringement:Barriera tal-Qawwi Nru 18, Wied Moqbol, Ħal Far, Limiti taż-Żurrieq
Local Council:Iż-Żurrieq
Infringement in Maltese (Official):Operazzjoni jew attività ta’ tqattiegħ f’Żona Protetta skont il-Provvedimenti ta’ GN 1379 ta’ 2016 mingħajr il-permessi meħtieġa mir-Regolamenti dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Flora, Fawna u Ambjent Naturali (L.S. 549.44) li rriżulta fid-distruzzjoni ta’ parti mill-irdum ta’ mal-kosta;
• Li ddaħħal materjal inert minn barra l-barriera għat-tkissir ta’ l-istess materjal bi ksur tar- Regolamenti dwar l-iskart (L.S. 549.63);
• Tfiegħ ta’ radam fil-barriera mingħajr permess bi ksur tar-Regolamenti dwar Maniġġar ta’ Skart (Maniġġar ta’ Skart mill-Industriji ta’ Estrazzjoni u Rdim) (L.S. 549.50);
• Tfiegħ ta’ skart u materjal ieħor, kif ukoll ħruq ta’ skart bi ksur tar- Regolamenti dwar l-Iskart (L.S. 549.63).
Infringement Summary in English:• Operations or activities in an area protected under the Provisions of GN 1379 of 2016 without the permits required by the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations (SL 549.44) resulting in the destruction of part of the coastal cliff;
• Introduction of inert material from outside the quarry for crushing purposes in breach of the Waste Regulations (S.L 549.63);
• Backfilling without the required permit in breach of Waste Management (Management of Waste from Extractive Industries and Backfilling) Regulations (S.L. 549.50);
• Dumping of waste and other material, and incineration of waste in breach of Waste Regulations (S.L. 549.63).
Corresponding Investigation Case/s:IF0578/18-F & IF0791/18-F
Parties subject to OrderHal-Far Quarries Limited
Lands Authority
Contravention type:Unauthorized operations or activities in a Special Area of Conservation.
Appeal Details
Appeal Ref. No.00086/19
Information on appeals can be found in the Environment & Planning Review Tribunal website: click here