
The information below has been extracted from a digital record and is meant for general guidance.  The Compliance & Enforcement Directorate of ERA disclaims any responsibility for any inaccuracies there may be on this site.  If you wish to verify the correctness of any information, you are advised to send a request to: [email protected].  Furthermore, if there are any discrepancies between the information contained on this site and official printed communication, the latter prevails.

Last amended: Tue., 01 December 2020

Order Details
Order Date:Wed., 19 December 2018
Order Status: Order Closed. Daily Fines paid.
Fine Paid/Settled:€375
Fine paid status:Fully paid.
Order type:Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità
Stop and Compliance Order
Location of Infringement:
Local Council:
Infringement in Maltese (Official):Poġġejt tagħmir elettriku u elettroniku fis-suq lokali mingħajr ma rreġistrajt mal-Awtorità għall-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi bħala produttur ta’ tagħmir elettriku u elettroniku, kif ukoll ma ssottomettejtx id-dikjarazzjoni mitluba fl-ittra ta’ twissija mibgħuta lil “Ice Watch / Classic Jewellers / Diamonds International /Pandora /Hebe / Beth” ddatata 21 ta’ Ġunju, 2018 u mehmuża ma’ dan l-Ordni, u dan kollu bi ksur tar-regolament 16(2) tar-Regolamenti Dwar l-Immaniġġjar tal-Iskart (Tagħmir Elettriku u Elettroniku) (L.S. 549.89), u ta’ l-Att Dwar Il-Protezzjoni tal-Ambjent (Kap. 549).
Infringement Summary in English:Placing of electrical and electronic equipment on the local market without registering with the Environment and Resources Authority as a producer of electrical and electronic equipment, and also not submitting the declaration requested in the warning letter sent to “Ice Watch / Classic Jewellers / Diamonds International /Pandora /Hebe / Beth” dated 21 June, 2018, in breach of regulation 16(2) of the Waste Management (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Regulations (S.L. 549.89), and the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549).
Corresponding Investigation Case/s:
Parties subject to OrderClassic Group Ltd.
Owner / Occupier
Contravention type:Unauthorized material placed on the market.