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Order Details
Order Date:Thur., 02 May 2019
Order Status: Closed
Order type:Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità
Stop and Compliance Order
Location of Infringement:Bartmik Industrial Zone, Garaxx 18, Livell -3; u Garaxx bla numru, Livell -2; u l-partijiet komuni, Sqaq il-Mitħna, Tal-Warda, fil-limiti tal-Imqabba
Local Council:Imqabba
Infringement in Maltese (Official):Operazzjoni jew attività ta’ ħażna, ta’ trattament, u ta’ maniġġjar ta’ skart, li jinkludi u mhux limitat għal Vetturi fi Tmiem Żmienhom u materjal iġġenerat mit-trattament ta’ Vetturi Fi Tmiem Żmienhom, bi ksur ta’ artiklu 58 tal-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Ambjent, tar-Regolamenti dwar l-Iskart (L.S. 549.63), u tar-Regolamenti Dwar l-Immaniġġar Ta’ Skart (Vetturi Fi Tmiem Żmienhom) (L.S.549.36).
Infringement Summary in English:Unpermitted operations or activities of storage, treatment and management of waste which includes End of Life Vehicles and scrap metal. This is in breach of the provisions emanating from the Environment Protection Act (Act 1 of 2016) and Subsidiary Legislations 549.63 and 549.36.
Compliance & Enforcement Officer:Curmi Stefania
Corresponding Investigation Case/s:IF0356/19-F
Parties subject to OrderMangion Clayton
Contravention type:Unauthorized storage, treatment and management of waste materials that includes End of Life Vehicles and scrap metals
Appeal Details
Appeal Ref. No.00442/19
Information on appeals can be found in the Environment & Planning Review Tribunal website: click here