Name of FacilityCurrent Application NumberActivityLocalityStatusCurrent PermitPermit Granting Date Permit Publication Date
A.M. Brothers Ltd.EP 0008/21Storage of waste vegetable oilNaxxarGrantedEP 0008/2102/08/202102/08/2021
A.M. Brothers Ltd.EP 0008/21/V1Storage of waste vegetable oil and additional activitiesNaxxarGrantedEP 0008/21/V1

EP 0008/21/V1/Doc1
ABB Ltd.EP 0069/20Acceptance, storage and recycling of inert materialIklinGrantedEP 0069/2015/12/202021/12/2020
Amer AhmedEP 023/18/AStorage of Waste ClothesGhaxaqNot OperationalN/AN/AN/A
Autoclin LtdEP 0084/20Sorting and baling of recyclablesXewkijaGrantedEP 0084/2023/12/202004/01/2021
AutoclinEP 00207/24Sorting and baling of recyclables XewkijaDetermined
Beverage Container Refund System (BCRS) Malta Ltd. EP 01021/22Collection, storage, sorting and bailing of beverage containersHal Far GrantedEP 1021/22 - Link to Permit
EP 1021/22 - Link to ERIS
Bio Plastic LtdEP 0039/14Storage of plastic prior to exportKordinBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Bonavia Bros Ltd.EP 0043/20Recycling of construction and demolition wasteNaxxarGrantedEP 0043/20

EP 0043/20/DOC1

EP 0043/20/V1


C3 Aluminium Ltd.EP 0058/20Storage and Processing of Aluminium OffcutsZebbugGrantedEP 0058/2013/08/202014/08/2020
C&V Polymers Ltd.EP 0043/21Storage and processing of recycablesMarsaGrantedEP 0043/2121/09/202221/09/2024
C&V Polymers Ltd.EP 0055/19Recycling of plastic, glass, wood and paper/cardboardHal FarGrantedPermit Granted25/11/202305/01/2024
CA Site Hal Far​EP 0036/21​Civic Amenity SiteHal FarGrantedEP 0036/21


CA Site Luqa​EP 0037/21​Civic Amenity SiteLuqaGrantedEP 0037/21


CA Site Maghtab​EP 0038/21​Civic Amenity SiteMaghtabGrantedEP 0038/21



CA Site Mriehel​EP 0039/21​Civic Amenity SiteMriehelGrantedEP 0039/21


CA Site Ta' Qali​EP 0040/21​Civic Amenity SiteTa' QaliGrantedEP 0040/2108/03/202209/03/2022
Variation GrantedEP 0040/21/V105/07/202409/07/2024
EP 0040/21/V1/DOC3
EP 0040/21/V1/DOC4
CA Site Tal-Kus​EP 0041/21​Civic Amenity SiteXewkijaGrantedEP 0041/21


Camland Ltd. EP 01167/21Recycling of inert waste and for the excavation and extracting of previously disposed material on siteSan GwannBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Colin's Metal Co LtdEP 01362/22Storage and processing of hazardous and non-hazardous wasteLuqaGranted - Log in to ERISEP 01362/22N/AN/A
Disused Landfill at Wied FulijaEP 0046/19Remediation of Wied Fulija landfill - use of waste glass as the sub base for the evapo-transpiration coverZurrieqWithdrawnN/AN/AN/A
Ecological Logistics LtdN/AStorage of waste edible oilBurmarrad, NaxxarBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Elbros LtdEP 0052/20Recycling of inert wasteImqabbaDismissedN/AN/AN/A
Electronic Products Ltd (Luqa)EP 0029/15Storage of WEEELuqaNot OperationalN/AN/AN/A
Electronic Products Ltd.EP 0104/20Storage of waste components from
ZabbarCeased OperationsN/AN/AN/A
Electronic Products Ltd.EP 0017/15/EStorage of WEEEKordinSupersededEP 0017/15/E14/05/201814/05/2018
Electronic Products Ltd.EP 0129/20Storage and processing of WEEEHal FarSuperseded by IPPC 0006/13 N/AN/AN/A
Electronic Products Ltd.EP 0134/20Storage of WEEEKordinGrantedEP 0134/2005/05/202106/05/2021
Being processedN/AN/AN/A
Electrowaste Ltd.EP 00047/11/GStorage and dismantling of WEEEZebbugNot OperationalPermit ExpiredN/AN/A
Electrowaste Ltd.EP 0023/10/EStorage of waste clothesZebbugNot OperationalPermit ExpiredN/AN/A
Electrowaste Malta Ltd.EP 0064/19Storage and dismantling of WEEE, storage and processing of metal and wire cables (stripping), and storage of waste batteries, edible oil, spent catalysts, f-gases prior to dispatch to authorised waste facilities either locally or abroadHal GhaxaqGrantedEP 0064/19

EP 0064/19/DOC1

EP 0064/19/DOC2
Electrowaste Malta LtdEP 1017/23Storage and dismantling of WEEE, storage and processing of metal and wire cables (stripping), and storage of waste batteries, edible oil, spent catalysts, f-gases prior to dispatch to authorised waste facilities either locally or abroadHal FarBeing processedN/AN/AN/A
Electrowaste Malta LtdEP 0065/24Storage and dismantling of WEEE, storage and processing of metal and cables, storage of batteries, spent catalysts, f-gases Hal GhaxaqDeterminedN/AN/AN/A
Elepac Ltd.EP 1171/23End of Waste Operations for specific waste from third partyBirzebbugiaGrantedPermit Granted14/11/20242/12/2024
Elltraff Ltd.EP 0045/19Provision of assembly and quality inspection activities in the plastic manufacturing industry.PaolaDismissedN/AN/AN/A
Enemalta Ta' CejluEP 0038/24Storage of hazardous and non-hazardous wasteMarsaGrantedRenewal Issued02/10/202402/10/2024
Enemalta Xewkija DistrictEP 0012/21Storage of hazardous and non-hazardous wasteXewkijaGrantedEP 0012/2105/05/202105/05/2021
Estral Ltd.EP 0024/21Storage & cutting of scrap metal & aluminiumQormiGrantedRenewal Granted

Minor Variation Granted


ETCEP 0006/15Dismantling of WEEEMtarfaNot OperationalN/AN/AN/A
Express TrailersEP 1366/21Storage, sorting & disposal of scrap aluminium offcutsLuqaGrantedEP 1366/2121/02/202228/02/2022
Extension of Addolorata CemetryEP 0023/19Stablisation and solidification of the contaminated landPaolaGrantedEP 0023/1902/08/201902/08/2019
Five Star Development LtdEP 0040/18Storage of used cooking oil (UCO) with a minimum capacity of 80 tonnesGhaxaqGrantedEP 0040/1825/05/202326/05/2023
General Precast Concrete LtdEP 0089/20Crushing of expanded polystyrene and operating a batching plant for the production of concrete productsHal FarGrantedEP 0089/2016/09/202018/09/2020
Global Recycling Ltd.EP 0039/18Storage and processing of metalHal FarBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Global Recycling LtdEP 0022/24Storage for discarded metal prior to exportHal FarGrantedEP 0022/2415/05/202416/05/2024
Green Ports (Malta) - Ecoglory EP 01356/23Collection, storage and transportation of oily waste collected within Maltese ports and territorial watersN/AGrantedEP 01356/2302/05/202403/05/2024
Green Ports (Malta) - EcowindEP 01251/23Collection, storage and transportation of oily waste collected within Maltese ports and territorial watersN/AGrantedEP 01251/2302/05/202403/05/2024
Green Ports (Malta) - AmorgosEP 01263/22Collection, storage and transportation of oily waste collected within Maltese ports and territorial watersN/ACeasedN/A17/11/202222/11/2022
Green Ports (Malta) - EcomateEP 01090/22Collection, storage and transportation of oily waste collected within Maltese ports and territorial watersN/AGrantedEP 1090/22

EP 0109/22/V1

EP 0109/22/V2




Green Ports (Malta) Ltd - EcobreezeEP 01608/21Collection, storage and transportation of oily waste collected within Maltese ports and territorial watersN/AWithdrawnN/AN/AN/A
Green Ports (Malta) Ltd - EcoFighterEP 0038/18Collection, storage and transportation of oily waste collected within Maltese ports and territorial watersN/AExpiredN/AN/AN/A
Green Ports (Malta) Ltd - EcoFriendEP 0021/19Collection, storage and transportation of oily waste collected within Maltese ports and territorial watersN/ADismissedN/AN/AN/A
Green Ports (Malta) Ltd - EcostoryEP 0032/21Collection, storage and transportation of oily waste collected within Maltese ports and territorial watersN/ACeasedEP 0032/2115/07/202219/07/2022
IMA Engineering Services LtdEP 0170/24Interim storage, pre-treatment and transfer facility for specified hazardous and non-hazardous waste prior to exportBulebel, ZejtunGrantedPermit Granted30/10/202431/10/2024
IMEX Import & ExportEP 0006/13/DStorage and processing of scrap metals prior to exportQormiNot OperationalPermit ExpiredN/AN/A
INDIS Malta Ltd.EP 1047/20Treatment of non-hazardous wasteMarsaGrantedRefer to ERIS07/04/202107/04/2021
IVY LtdEP 0003/13/CTemporary storage and packaging of solder dross waste prior to exportQormiNot OperationalN/AN/AN/A
J. Bonavia & Nephews LtdEP 0007/15Shredding and bailing of metal foil and plastic mouldsMostaDismissed, Not OperationalN/AN/AN/A
JJ Borda Scrap MetalsEP 0027/20Storage & processing of scrap metal AC units, wire streipping etc. renewal & variation.MarsaGrantedEP 0027/2026/10/202030/10/2020
Kasco Recycling Ltd EP 0099/20Collection, storing and bailing of recyclable materialsZejtunSuspended IndefinitelyN/AN/AN/A
Kasco Recycling Ltd (Handaq)EP 0031/21Collection, storing and bailing of recyclable materialsQormiGrantedEP 0031/2127/04/202210/05/2022
Kasco Recycling Ltd (Marsa)EP 0009/11/FCollection, storing and bailing of recyclable materialsMarsaCeased OperationsN/AN/AN/A
Kip LtdEP 0056/14Sorting & baling of recyclablesXewkijaWithdrawnN/AN/AN/A
Kosecp LtdEP 0007/18/AStorage of waste mixed RecycablesQormiGrantedEP 0007/18/A16/05/201916/05/2019
Kurun Excavation Ltd. EP 0063/20Storage and processing of construction and demolition wasteXghajraIndefinite suspensionN/AN/AN/A
Mario Scicluna LtdEP 0030/18Storage and processing of waste metalsBurmarrad, NaxxarWithdrawnN/AN/AN/A
Martin GaffarenaEP 1474/21Collection and filtration of hydraulic oil to eventual end of wasteMqabbaRefusedN/AN/AN/A
Medixa Ltd.EP 0042/19Recycling of waste cablesQormiWithdrawnN/AN/AN/A
Medserv Operations Ltd.EP 0042/20Acceptance and temporary storage of hazardous and non-hazardous waste originating from offshore oil rig operationsBirzebbugaGrantedEP 0042/20
EP 0042/20/DOC1

EP 0042/20/V1


Multi Packaging LtdEP 0018/20Storage & bailing of waste paper & cardboard packagingBulebel, ZejtunDismissedN/AN/AN/A
Nicholas BonelloEP 0044/20Storage of and processing of mixed C&D wasteMqabbaBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Part of Maghtab Environmental ComplexEP 1435/21Crushing and recycling of excavated waste and storage of inert material generated on siteNaxxarGrantedEP 1435/21

EP 1435/21/DOC29A
Part of Maghtab Environmental ComplexEP 1435/21/V1Crushing and recycling of excavated waste and storage of inert material generated on siteNaxxarBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Primary Health CareEP 0077/20Stablisation of non-hazardous wastePoalaBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Progress Press Company LtdEP 0016/15Pre-press, printing and post-pressMriehel BirkirkaraDismissedN/AN/AN/A
PTM Waste Management Facility Ltd. EP 00318/24Storage of non hazardous and hazardous waste prior to exportMqabbaGrantedEP 0025/21

EP 0025/21/V1

EP 0025/21/V2

EP 0025/21/V3

EP 0025/21/V3/DOC1

EP 00318/24/V4








Pullicin Developers LtdEP 0015/18Sorting of skipsQormiBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Qormi Aluminium Holdings Ltd. EP 01006/21Storage of Waste Aluminium St. VeneraGrantedEP 01006/2130/09/202101/10/2021
Randolph BaldachinoEP 0028/14Storage of used engine waste oils prior to exportQormiNot OperationalN/AN/AN/A
Refab Lightblue PartnershipEP 0002/22Collection, storage, packaging and export of waste clothing and edible oilZebbugGrantedEP 0002/2214/06/202216/06/2022
Refab Malta LtdEP 0014/16Collection of used clothes for re-use and recyclingZebbugBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
RMX Ltd. Demolition & excevation works.EP 0102/19Storage, crushing, stockpiling of inert waste for sale or reuse.Ta' L Ibragg San Gwann.Being ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Road Servicing Ltd.EP 1158/22Recycling of inert material and scarified road materialIklinBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Samito LtdEP 0022/11/DStorage of lithium batteries and storage of scrap metalMarsaCeased OperationsN/AN/AN/A
Sant Antnin Waste Treatment PlantEP 260/24Sorting and storage of non-hazardous wasteMarsascalaGrantedEP260/2413/1/202516/1/2025
Schembri Batteries LtdEP 00267/24Storage of Waste BatteriesMarsaGrantedEP 00267/2417/12/202417/12/2024
Seyba Aluminiun Ltd. EP 01029/20Storage and Processing of Waste AluminiumQormiGrantedEP 01029/2005/04/202107/04/2021
Shabeer MeethalEP 0006/17Storage and processing of scrap metal waste prior to exportBurmarrad, NaxxarDismissedN/AN/AN/A
Site @ GharghurEP 0047/15Recycling of construction and demolition wasteGharghurBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Site @ Sqaq Wied Fieni, ZabbarEP 0031/18Processing of Waste cables & WiresZabbarBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Smart Recycling Ltd.EP 0035/21sorting, baling and temporary storage of non-hazardous recyclable waste from commercial/industrial sources prior to exportMarsaGrantedEP 0035/2110/03/202210/03/2022
Sultech & CoEP 00208/24Storage of
non-hazardous wastes originating from
commercial and industrial sources received from
Autoclin Services only
XewkijaGrantedEP 0208/2417/12/202417/12/2024
Ta' Matti and SonsEP 1309/22Storage and sorting of construction and demolition waste, recycling of inert wasteSiggiewiDeterminedLog in to ERISN/AN/A
Ta' Robba Ltd.EP 0010/21​​​ELV depollution & dismantlingl/o Kirkop

GrantedEP 0010/21

Approved Document
Tal-Kus Transfer Station (WasteServ Malta Ltd.)EP 0022/21Waste treatment and transfer facilityXewkijaGrantedEP 0022/21

EP 0022/21/V1

EP 0022/21/V2

EP 0022/21/V2/DOC1




Tal-Maghtab Construction LtdEP 0012/19Weighing of inert waste prior to disposal at seaMarsaRefusedN/AN/AN/A
Tenaga LtdEP 0008/18/CSeperation of manureXewkijaNot OperationalN/AN/AN/A
The Island SanctuaryEP 0004/22Dog holding units and pet incineratorMarsaxlokkGrantedEP 0004/2221/09/202226/09/2022
Thomas NevolaEP 0022/22Storage of non hazardous
waste cooking oil and storage and processing of mixtures of non hazardous
fish oil waste, liquid fish residues and seawater in Garage 1. Storage of hazardous waste motor oil and lead batteries in Garage 37
GhaxaqGrantedEP 0022/2216/02/202323/02/2023
Thomas NevolaEP 0022/22/V1Variation to import used cooking oil for re-packaging and export, removal of used motor oil storage, and storage of used cooking oil in garage 37GhaxaqGrantedEP/0022/22/V102/08/202308/08/2023
Trihills Heavy Industries LtdEP 0028/21Storage and processing of waste metalGhaxaqGrantedEP 0028/21

EP 0028/21/DOC1

EP 0028/21/DOC3
U-Recycle LtdEP 01399/23Collection, sorting/separation, shredding and baling of non-hazardous recyclable materialsBurmarrad, NaxxarGrantedEP 01399/2326/10/202030/10/2020
Unnamed field at Wied ta’ Kieli, MaghtabEP 0066/19Recycling of inert wasteNaxxarIndefinite SuspensionN/AN/AN/A
Unnamed Site, Iz-Zinzla, Bahrija, l/o RabatEP 0026/19Crushing of inert wasteBahrija, l/o RabatBeing ProcessedN/AN/AN/A
Vernons Food Manufacturing & Trading LtdEP 0025/15/CStorage and filtering of waste edible oil prior to exportMarsaNot OperationalPermit ExpiredN/AN/A
WasteCare Recycling ltd.EP 0028/13Sorting & baling of separately collected recyclablesMqabbaNot OperationalN/AN/AN/A
Wasteserv Malta (WEEE Storage - Hal Far)EP 01319/21Storage of WEEEHal FarCeased OperationsN/AN/AN/A
Wasteserv Malta Ltd (MMRF)EP 0004/19Storage and processing of hazardous and non hazardous wasteHal FarDismissedN/AN/AN/A
Wasteserv Malta Ltd (WEEE Facility)EP 0010/11/EStorage and dismantling of specified WEEE; and storage of batteries, fluorescents and tyresMarsaNot OperationalN/AN/AN/A
Wasteserv Malta Ltd (WEEE Storage - Bingjala)EP 0053/20Storage of WEEEMaghtab, NaxxarCeased OperationsN/AN/AN/A
Wasteserv Malta Ltd (WEEE Storage - Bitmac, Xwieki)EP 0113/19Storage of WEEE of waste batteriesNaxxarDismissed - Ceased Operations N/AN/AN/A
Wasteserv Malta Ltd (WEEE Storage at Qortin)EP 0042/18/AStorage of WEEEQortinCeased OperationsN/AN/AN/A
WEEE Malta Ltd.EP 0019/21Storage of WEEEMqabbaGrantedEP0019/2118/01/202220/01/2022
White Horse Recycling LtdEP 0042/15/AStorage of waste clothesBurmarrad, NaxxarWithdrawnN/AN/AN/A
Zveyann GarageEP 01280/22Dismantling of WEEE and catalytic converters and sorting and storage of waste material on site prior to exportHal Far, BirzebbugaGrantedEP 01280/2230/08/202430/08/2024