All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS


Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP60/24Orchid sample collectionVariousGranted25/03/2024
EP66/24Pruning of treesIl-pjazza tat-Tokk, Victoria GozoGranted28/03/2024
EP67/24Pruning of treesPjazza Santu Wistin, Victoria GozoGranted28/03/2024
EP68/24Pruning of treesVajringa, Victoria GozoGranted28/03/2024
EP70/24Sampling around wrecksVariousGranted25/03/2024
EP84/24Transplanting of treesTriq il-Knisja, Xaghra, GozoGranted25/03/2024
2024MT0023alligator watchstrap - ImportSwitzerlandGranted25/03/2024
2024MT0024alligator watchstrap - ImportSwitzerlandgranted25/03/2024
GBR/12/01387/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)ZebbugGranted25/03/2024
GBR/12/01388/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZebbugGranted25/03/2024
GBR/12/01389/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZebbugGranted25/03/2024
GBR/12/01390/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteSiggiewiGranted25/03/2024
GBR/12/01397/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureSan Pawl Il-BaharGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01561/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBurmarradGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01565/24A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteBurmarradGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01602/24C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteBirkirkaraGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01605/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01606/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteNaxxarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01607/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureNaxxarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01608/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)NaxxarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01610/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)NaxxarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01630/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteAttardGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01632/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureAttardGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01634/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)AttardGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01636/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)AttardGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01638/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMostaGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01639/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMostaGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01640/24D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)ZabbarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01657/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteDwejraGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01658/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureDwejraGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01659/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteDwejraGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01660/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureDwejraGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01661/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureNaxxarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01670/24D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)NaxxarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01671/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirkirkaraGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01677/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureDingliGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01682/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureNaxxarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01683/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteNaxxarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01691/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZabbarGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01694/24A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteXewkijaGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01695/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XewkijaGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01696/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MostaGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01697/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteDingliGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01699/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)DingliGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01704/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)XaghraGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01768/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugaGranted27/03/2024
GBR/12/01609/24C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteNaxxarRefused26/03/2024
GBR/12/01620/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteSan GiljanRefused26/03/2024
GBR/12/01663/24A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteBirzebbugaRefused26/03/2024
GBR/12/01698/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)DingliRefused26/03/2024
GBR/12/01553/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugaRefused27/03/2024
GBR/12/01532/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)SafiRefused28/03/2024
GBR/12/01621/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteNaxxarRefused28/03/2024
GBR/12/01622/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureNaxxarRefused28/03/2024
GBR/12/01623/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)NaxxarRefused28/03/2024
GBR/12/01624/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)NaxxarRefused28/03/2024
GBR/12/01717/24D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)FguraRefused28/03/2024
GBR/12/01739/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZejtunRefused28/03/2024
CP1833520 03 07 bulky wasteLuqa to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaGranted25/03/2024
CP1833620 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Luqa Local Council to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaGranted25/03/2024
CP1833720 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaGranted25/03/2024
CP1833820 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaGranted25/03/2024
CP1833920 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted25/03/2024
CP1834020 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted25/03/2024
CP1834120 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaRefused25/03/2024
CP1834220 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaGranted25/03/2024
CP1834320 03 07 bulky wasteTarxien Local Council to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaGranted25/03/2024
CP1834420 03 07 bulky wasteBir?ebbu?a Local Council to Civic Amenity Site Hal FarGranted26/03/2024
CP1834520 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Bir?ebbu?a Local Council to Civic Amenity Site Hal FarGranted26/03/2024
CP1834620 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Refused28/03/2024
CP1834720 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaRefused26/03/2024
CP1834820 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardGranted26/03/2024
CP1834920 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardGranted26/03/2024
CP1835020 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Tarxien Local Council to Refused28/03/2024
CP1835120 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaRefused26/03/2024
CP1835220 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaGranted26/03/2024
CP1835320 03 07 bulky wasteXaghra Local Council to Civic Amenity Site l/o XewkijaGranted26/03/2024
CP1835420 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Santa Venera Local Council to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted26/03/2024
CP1835520 03 07 bulky wasteSanta Venera Local Council to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted26/03/2024
CP1835615 01 03 wooden packagingXaghra Local Council to Civic Amenity Site l/o XewkijaRefused27/03/2024
CP1835720 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MaghtabGranted26/03/2024
CP1835820 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MaghtabGranted26/03/2024
CP1835920 03 07 bulky wasteKunsill Lokali Naxxar to Civic Amenity Site l/o MaghtabGranted26/03/2024
CP1836020 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Kunsill Lokali Naxxar to Civic Amenity Site l/o MaghtabGranted26/03/2024
CP1836120 03 07 bulky wasteKunsill Lokali Naxxar to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardGranted26/03/2024
CP1836220 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Kunsill Lokali Naxxar to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardGranted26/03/2024
CP1836320 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o XewkijaGranted26/03/2024
CP1836420 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Refused27/03/2024
CP1836520 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o XewkijaRefused27/03/2024
CP1836620 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Ghasri Local Council to Civic Amenity Site l/o XewkijaGranted28/03/2024
CP1836720 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)KUNSILL BIRKIRKARA to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted28/03/2024
CP1836820 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o XewkijaGranted28/03/2024
CP1836920 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Xaghra Local Council to Civic Amenity Site l/o XewkijaGranted28/03/2024