All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the ERA Board in its sitting of 26/07/2024

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
IP 0003/23Application for the renewal of IP 0001/05/C for an engineered landfill at Ta' Zwejra.NaxxarGranted 26/07/2024
EP 1458/22Operation of an installation involving discharges to sea at MediterraneoBahar ic-CaghaqGranted 26/07/2024
EP 191/24Transplanting and uprooting of treesTriq 13 Dicembru, Marsa, MaltaGranted 26/07/2024
EP 192/24Transplanting and uprooting of treesTriq 13 Dicembru, Marsa, MaltaGranted 26/07/2024
EP 0040/24Application for the excavation and crushing of the site's backfilled material, acceptance and recycling of inert waste and stockpiling of soil for reuse at Disused Quarry at ta' Wied Xkora, Siggiewi submitted by N. Montebello Excavations Ltd. SiggiewiGranted 26/07/2024
EP 0023/22/V2Variation of EP 0023/22 to include the operations under the Restoration of Void Spaces Scheme, for Quarry HM35, Dingli.DingliGranted 26/07/2024
EP 0216/24Daily running of Chateaux BuskettBuskett Granted 26/07/2024

*indicates post decision requirements

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 0281/24Uprooting of dead treesMtarfa MaltaGranted25/07/2024
EP 0282/24Uprooting and transplanting of treesMtarfa MaltaGranted25/07/2024
KE2024MT0112African Grey parrotMalta Granted26/07/2024
KE2024MT0111African Grey parrotMalta Granted26/07/2024
KE2024MT0118Barn owlMalta Granted26/07/2024
KE2024MT0117Barn owlMalta Granted26/07/2024
KE2024MT0116Barn owlMalta Granted26/07/2024
KE2024MT0113African greyMalta Granted26/07/2024
KE2024MT0114African greyMalta Granted26/07/2024
KE2024MT0115Eurasian Eagle OwlMalta Granted26/07/2024
GBR/12/03211/24C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted22/07/2024
GBR/12/03431/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted22/07/2024
GBR/12/03539/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted24/07/2024
GBR/12/03473/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03474/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03475/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03476/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03477/24D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03478/24C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03479/24D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03480/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03482/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03531/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03532/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03533/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03545/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03546/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03547/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03557/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03558/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03559/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03564/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03565/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03566/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03567/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03584/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03587/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03591/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03617/24C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03619/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03620/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03621/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03622/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03623/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03624/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03625/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03626/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03627/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03628/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03629/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03630/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03631/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03634/24A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03635/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03636/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03639/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted25/07/2024
GBR/12/03618/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aRefused23/07/2024
GBR/12/03457/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aRefused25/07/2024
GBR/12/03458/24A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused25/07/2024
GBR/12/03459/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused25/07/2024
GBR/12/03460/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused25/07/2024
GBR/12/03590/24A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused25/07/2024
CP1847415 01 10* packaging containing residues of or contaminated by hazardous substancesBureauveritas to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted24/07/2024
CP1847515 02 02* absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified), wiping cloths, protective clothing contaminated by hazardous substancesBureauveritas to Thermal Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd MarsaGranted24/07/2024