WEEE Recycle 4U Co. Ltd.


in relation to the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) on:
IP 0006/13 –  Application of the IPPC Permit for
WEEE Recycle 4U Co. Ltd., HHF 040 Hal-Far Industrial Estate, Birzebbugia



Friday, 15th January 2021

10:45 am

The public is invited to follow this meeting online during which the decision will be taken in public by the ERA Board in connection with the above proposal.

A link to the meeting will be communicated to all registered interested parties.

The public is invited to register their interest to follow the public hearing by not later than the 13th January 2021 by filling in the form below.

Documentation in relation to the formal hearing can be accessed from the links below.

ERA Case Officer Report

WEEE Recycle 4U Co. Ltd. Presentation

ERA Presentation

Public Consultation Feedback

Link to Application

Fill in the below form to register for the public hearing