Environmental networks are an informal way for public authorities engaged in environmental regulation to share good practice and improve their implementation of EU environmental law. The various environmental networks provide capacity-building opportunities through joint projects and activities for officers at all levels. The networks favour informally-organised, flexible coalitions in which the members decide their level of participation (e.g. active member or observer). They also facilitate more open discussion on the factors driving collaboration among groups seeking to shape EU public policies. The European Commission actively supports these networks as they make a significant contribution towards improving implementation of the EU environmental acquis and harmonization of regulatory practices.
ERA participates in the following environmental networks:
- BGCI – Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Copernicus
- EEA – European Environment Agency
- EIONET – European Environment Information and Observation Network
- ENEA – The European Network of Environmental Authorities for the Cohesion Policy
- EPAN – Environment Protection Agency Network
- EUFORGEN – European Forest Genetic Resources Programme
- EuropaBON – Europa Biodiversity Observation Network
- IMPEL – The European Union Network for Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law
- ISWA – International Solid Waste Association
- IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature
- MedPAN – Marine Protected Areas managers in the Mediterranean
- MPN – Mediterranean Posidonia Network
- MedWET – Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative
- ONA – Other National Authority under the European Statistical System
Examples of other environmental networks include the European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment (ENPE), the European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment (EUFJE) and EnviCrimeNet.