All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS

Decisions taken by the ERA Board in its sitting of 22/03/2024

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 0001/24Application for the renewal and variation of EP 00043/14 as varied – Manufacture of heat exchangers, air conditioners and other thermal management systems for industrial use at Hal Far Industrial Estate.Hal Far, BirzebbugiaGranted22/03/2024
IP 0001/06/CProposal for an extension of validity of the IPPC permit for Ghallis LandfillGhallis, l/o NaxxarGranted22/03/2024
IP 0001/05/CProposal for an extension of validity of the IPPC permit for Ta' Zwejra LandfillTa Zwejra, l/o NaxxarGranted22/03/2024

*indicates post decision requirements

Decisions taken by the Regulatory Affairs Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 1396/23Pruning of treesField at Triq il-Maltin Internati u Eziljati, MtarfaGranted20/03/2024
EP 1412/23Pruning of treesTower Road, SliemaDismissed20/03/2024
EP 8/24Rehabilitation of valleyWied SperanzaGranted20/03/2024
EP 10/24Uprooting of treesWied il-kbirGranted20/03/2024
EP 24/24Monitoring of seabirdsVariousGranted18/03/2024
EP 35/24Sampling of sandBallut Reserve and Ramla bayGranted18/03/2024
EP 75/24Registration as licensed Tree Specialistn/aGranted20/03/2024
EP 77/24Registration as licensed Tree Specialistn/aGranted20/03/2024
EP 79/24Cross country mountain bike raceLippija cliff, MgarrGranted22/03/2024
EP 81/24Hard pruning of treesTriq Robert Mifsud Bonnici, ?al Lija, Malta.Granted20/03/2024
EP 117/24Light pruning of treesMtarfaNo permit required20/03/2024
EPD/A/U/010/24Propellor Cleaning - CMA CGM ConstanzaTerminal 1 North MFTGranted18/03/2024
GBR/12/01383/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)ZebbugGranted18/03/2024
GBR/12/01518/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01520/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01521/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01522/24A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteBurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01524/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01527/24A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteBurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01530/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)FguraGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01533/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01534/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01535/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteTa' XbiexGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01536/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureTa' XbiexGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01537/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)Ta' XbiexGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01538/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)Ta' XbiexGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01539/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureVictoriaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01540/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)VictoriaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01541/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01544/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteQormiGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01545/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteZebbugGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01546/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZebbugGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01547/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZebbugGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01548/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MostaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01549/24A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteMostaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01550/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirkirkaraGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01551/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirkirkaraGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01552/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirkirkaraGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01557/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01559/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BurmarradGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01571/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteQormiGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01572/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureQormiGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01573/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)QormiGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01574/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)QormiGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01579/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteQalaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01582/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteVictoriaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01584/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureVictoriaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01585/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)VictoriaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01589/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteGhasriGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01596/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMgarrGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01597/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMgarrGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01598/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MgarrGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01599/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureIklinGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01600/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)IklinGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01601/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)IklinGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01611/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirkirkaraGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01612/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirkirkaraGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01613/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirkirkaraGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01614/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)BirkirkaraGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01615/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMarsaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01616/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMarsaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01617/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01619/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMostaGranted20/03/2024
GBR/12/01555/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureNadurGranted21/03/2024
GBR/12/01575/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBurmarradGranted21/03/2024
GBR/12/01576/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBurmarradGranted21/03/2024
GBR/12/01577/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BurmarradGranted21/03/2024
GBR/12/01578/24A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteBurmarradGranted21/03/2024
GBR/12/01590/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteDingliGranted21/03/2024
GBR/12/01591/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMostaGranted21/03/2024
GBR/12/01592/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMostaGranted21/03/2024
GBR/12/01593/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MostaGranted21/03/2024
GBR/12/01247/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WastePaolaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01307/24D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)MarsaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01372/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirzebbugaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01373/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BirzebbugaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01437/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteQormiGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01580/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteXaghraGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01581/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureXaghraGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01583/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XaghraGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01586/24A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteLuqaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01587/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)LuqaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01594/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)San GwannGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01595/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)San GwannGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01625/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteVictoriaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01626/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureVictoriaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01627/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureVictoriaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01628/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteVictoriaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01629/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)LuqaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01631/24A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteXaghraGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01633/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XaghraGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01642/24D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)ZabbarGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01644/24A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteLijaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01645/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureLijaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01646/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)LijaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01647/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)LijaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01649/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)PaolaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01650/24A2 - Road Services and FurniturePaolaGranted22/03/2024
GBR/12/01092/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureGwardamangiaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01348/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureTarxienRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01349/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteTarxienRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01350/24D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)PaolaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01377/24A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal WasteLuqaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01378/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)LuqaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01395/24D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)MarsaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01396/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)GhaxaqRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01400/24D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasteQormiRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01406/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMarsaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01407/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMarsaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01408/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MarsaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01424/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureNaxxarRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01433/24A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteSliemaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01460/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMostaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01463/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMostaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01467/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureXewkijaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01468/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)XewkijaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01470/24D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasteLuqaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01508/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteVallettaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01509/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureVallettaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01510/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)VallettaRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01514/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZurrieqRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01515/24A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteZurrieqRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01516/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZurrieqRefused18/03/2024
GBR/12/01519/24A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBurmarradRefused20/03/2024
GBR/12/01603/24C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteBirkirkaraRefused20/03/2024
GBR/12/01604/24C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteBirkirkaraRefused20/03/2024
GBR/12/01618/24A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteMarsaRefused20/03/2024
GBR/12/01542/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)FguraRefused21/03/2024
GBR/12/01563/24A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)BurmarradRefused22/03/2024
GBR/12/01637/24A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteMarsaRefused22/03/2024
GBR/12/01641/24D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)ZabbarRefused22/03/2024
GBR/12/01643/24D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)ZabbarRefused22/03/2024
CP1830120 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelRefused18/03/2024
CP1830220 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardRefused18/03/2024
CP1830320 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardRefused18/03/2024
CP1830420 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaRefused18/03/2024
CP1830520 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardRefused18/03/2024
CP1830620 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardRefused18/03/2024
CP1830720 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardRefused20/03/2024
CP1830820 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardRefused20/03/2024
CP1830920 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardGranted22/03/2024
CP1831020 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardGranted22/03/2024
CP1831120 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Kunsill Lokali Paola to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaGranted22/03/2024
CP1831220 03 07 bulky wasteKunsill Lokali Paola to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted22/03/2024
CP1831320 03 07 bulky wasteKunsill Lokali Paola to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaGranted22/03/2024
CP1831420 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Kunsill Lokali Paola to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted22/03/2024
CP1831520 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted21/03/2024
CP1831620 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelRefused20/03/2024
CP1831720 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelRefused20/03/2024
CP1831820 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelRefused21/03/2024
CP1831920 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted21/03/2024
CP1832020 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelRefused21/03/2024
CP1832120 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted21/03/2024
CP1832220 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MriehelGranted21/03/2024
CP1832320 03 07 bulky wasteGharb Local Council to Civic Amenity Site l/o XewkijaGranted22/03/2024
CP1832420 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Gharb Local Council to Civic Amenity Site l/o XewkijaGranted22/03/2024
CP1832520 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Various to 48, Scrap Lane, Valletta Road LuqaGranted22/03/2024
CP1832620 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MaghtabGranted22/03/2024
CP1832720 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MaghtabGranted22/03/2024
CP1832820 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)?al Kirkop Local Council to Civic Amenity Site Hal FarRefused22/03/2024
CP1832920 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o MaghtabRefused22/03/2024
CP1833020 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardGranted22/03/2024
CP1833120 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils toRefused22/03/2024
CP1833220 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils toRefused22/03/2024
CP1833320 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Local Councils to Civic Amenity Site l/o AttardGranted22/03/2024
CP1833420 03 07 bulky wasteLocal Councils to Civic Amenity Site Triq il-Belt Valletta LuqaRefused22/03/2024