Decisions taken by ERA Board in sitting of the 25th September 2020

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
NP 0194/20/V1Variation of NP 0194/19: To carry out heavy pruning of 38 trees, and cutting of two treesMostaGranted25/09/2020
NP 0388/20To carry out uprooting of one eucalyptus treeRahal GdidGranted25/09/2020
NP 0417/20Renewal of NP 191/19: To carry out uprooting and transplanting of trees for the widening and upgrading of the Attard to Mrie?el LinkAttard to MriehelGranted25/09/2020
EP 0083/20*HM13A - Extraction of hardstone, recycling of inert waste and restoration of quarry with clean inert wasteMelliehaGranted25/09/2020
EP 0115/20*HG 12 - For the extraction of rock mineral, production of aggregate, recycling of inert waste and backfilling of an excavation void.San Lawrenza, GozoGranted25/09/2020
EP 0070/20*San Antonio Hotel and Spa - Hotel installation with discharges to sea.St Paul's BayGranted25/09/2020
EP 0051/14*Hompesch Service Station - Operation of a petroleum handling service station and ancilliary facilitiesZabbarGranted25/09/2020

*Permit shall be issued once the post-decision requirements are fulfilled


Decisions taken by Environment Resources Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
NP 365/20Pruning of treesSelmun Palace and Hotel, Selmun, MelliehaGranted25/09/2020
NP 366/20Light pruning 3 Carob treesTriq Ghajn TutaGranted24/09/2020
NP 389/20Planting of trees and shrubsHagar Qim and Mnajdra ParkGranted24/09/2020
EPD/A/UC/031/20Propellor cleaning of APL Changi - Alldive Ltd.MFT Terminal 1 North QuayGranted22/09/2020
EPD/A/UC/032/20Hull cleaning of LNG Armada MediterranaLNG Quay Delimara, MarsaxlokkGranted25/09/2020
EPD/A/UC/033/20Propellor cleaning of CMA CGM Herodote - Alldive Ltd.MFT Terminal 2 South QuayGranted24/09/2020
MT19/000030 - 1st amendmentExtension of permit validity until 9th September 2020N/AGranted25/09/2020
GBR/12/03104/20A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMqabbaRejected23/09/2020
GBR/12/03105/20A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteMqabbaRejected23/09/2020
GBR/12/03107/20A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MqabbaRejected23/09/2020
GBR/12/02734/20C2 - Animal/Plant/Food WasteQormiGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03102/20D1 - Non Hazardous Liquid wasteMqabbaGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03284/20A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteGharghurGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03379/20C1 - Sharps/Hospital/Pharmaceutical WasteZebbugGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03408/20A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMqabbaGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03409/20A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMqabbaGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03441/20A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteNaxxarGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03469/20A2 - Road Services and FurnitureZebbugGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03470/20D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)ZebbugGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03471/20A2 - Road Services and FurnitureGudjaGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03472/20A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZabbarGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03473/20A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteFguraGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03474/20A2 - Road Services and FurnitureFguraGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03475/20A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)FguraGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03476/20A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteFguraGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03477/20A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteBirkirkaraGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03478/20A2 - Road Services and FurnitureBirkirkaraGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03481/20A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)GhasriGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03482/20A5 - Other Non-Hazardous WasteGhasriGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03856/20A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)ZebbugGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03934/20A1 - Construction and Demolition WasteMgarrGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03935/20A2 - Road Services and FurnitureMgarrGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03936/20A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)MgarrGranted23/09/2020
GBR/12/03937/20D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)MgarrGranted23/09/2020
CP1442220 01 35* - discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous componentsSan Lawrenz Local Council to CA Site Tal-Kus XewkijaRejected19/09/2020
CP1443520 03 07 - bulky wasteKercem Local Council to CA Site Tal-Kus XewkijaRejected22/09/2020
CP1441820 03 07 - bulky wasteQrendi Local Council to CA Site Hal-FarGranted24/09/2020
CP1441920 01 35* - discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous componentsQrendi Local Council to CA Site Hal-FarGranted24/09/2020
CP1442118 01 03* - wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infectionMount Carmel Hospital to Thermal treatment facilityGranted24/09/2020
CP1442316 01 13* - brake fluidsWasteserv CA sites to Greenskips LtdGranted24/09/2020
CP1442720 01 13* - solventsAll Wasteserv CA sites to Greenskips Ltd.Granted24/09/2020
CP1442820 01 15* - alkalinesAll Wasteserv CA sites to Greenskips Ltd.Granted24/09/2020
CP1442920 01 26* - oil and fat other than those mentioned in 20 01 25Wasteserv CA sites to Greenskips LtdGranted24/09/2020
CP1443220 01 21* - fluorescent tubes and other mercury-containing wasteWEEE Malta Ltd. to Electronic Products Ltd. (Hal Far)Granted24/09/2020
CP1443316 02 13* - discarded equipment containing hazardous components (1) other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12WEEE Malta Ltd. to Electronic Products Ltd. (Hal Far)Granted24/09/2020
CP1443420 01 35* - discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous componentsMarsa Local Council to Maghtab CA SiteGranted24/09/2020