The Chairman, Board Members, Management and Staff at the Environment and Resources Authority wish everyone a Peaceful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
The Authority would like to notify its clients and the public that its offices will be closed from the 24th December 2020 until the 1st January 2021, both days included.
Documents may still be submitted during the shutdown period and acknowledgements will be mailed out after the 2nd January 2020.
The Authority will still be rendering the following services from its offices at Hexagon House, Spencer Hill, Marsa during its shutdown:
- Applications for Waste Carriers shall be filled in online through the eform system
- CITES clearances shall be submitted on email [email protected] . In case of perishable goods, live specimens, and pharmaceuticals, applicants shall send the request by email and can call 2292 3500 and select Option 3. This service is available throughout this period between 6am and 6pm, except for Christmas and New Year’s Day.
- Payments for CITES/ TFS will be accepted on Monday 28th December and Wednesday 30th 2020 between 09.00am and 12.30 at ERA’s offices.
- Payments for Annex VI may be made on Monday 28th and Wednesday 30th December 2020 between 09.00am and 12.30 at ERA’s offices.
- Waste Shipments (Movement only): may be made on Monday 28th and Wednesday 30th December 2020 between 09.00am and 12.30 at ERA’s offices.
In case of customs inspections applicants must call 24 hours in advance on clearances for emergency movements of animals and plants, including from the EU:
Clients are to call the number 2292 3500 and select Option 1 to inform the authority of such movements. An email must then be sent to [email protected] with the relevant transport details well in advance, including flight/vessel number and departure point; place and time of landing; and importer’s details.
To report damage to the environment the Authority can be contacted on 2292 3500 and then selecting Option 2, between 6am and 11pm throughout this period except for Christmas and New Year’s Day.
In such cases that you do not reach our offices via the above number kindly call us on our emergency mobile number 99210404.
17 December 2020