EUFORGEN stands for the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme, which is an international cooperation programme promoting the conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe as an integral part of sustainable forest management.  It was established in 1994 as a result of a resolution adopted in 1990 by the first Ministerial Conference of the Forest Europe process.

Member countries within EUFORGEN exchange expert information and experience, analyse policies and practice and develop science-based strategies, tools and methods to improve the management of forest genetic resources (FGR). They also fund the Programme and its activities which are mainly carried out through working groups and workshops.

EUFORGEN contributes to the implementation of Forest Europe commitments on FGR and to relevant decisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).   In addition, EUFORGEN serves as a platform for developing and implementing European projects on FGR and coordinating existing initiatives.

The Environment and Resources Authority is Malta’s representative in EUFORGEN.