Guidelines on trees, shrubs and plants for planting and landscaping in the Maltese Islands

Guidelines on trees, shrubs and plants for planting and landscaping in the Maltese Islands

Planting and soft landscaping are fundamental mitigatory inclusions in many developments. Several past projects carried out in rural areas were inappropriately sited and/or have often made use of inappropriate species, to the detriment of natural ecosystems and the countryside in general. In this regard, the Guidelines on trees, shrubs and plants for planting and landscaping in the Maltese Islands, published by the then Environmental Management Unit of the Planning Authority, were intended to provide Government Departments and Agencies, Local Councils, Non-Governmental Organisations, private nurseries, planners, developers, architects and the interested public with guidance concerning the suitability or otherwise of particular species of trees and other vegetation for planting and landscaping.

The document promotes environmentally-sound planting and soft-landscaping by guiding genuine efforts; encourages incentives for environmentally-compatible improvements in planting and landscaping projects, and to deter unsustainable, or environmentally-damaging practice; promotes the demand for the propagation of suitable indigenous vegetation and enables developers, architects and consultants to produce appropriate landscaping layouts and drawings for development projects. The document outlines a number of key general requirements, and highlights the different specific provisions that are applicable in urban and rural areas. Indicative species lists are also provided.



Guidelines on trees, shrubs and plants for planting and landscaping in the Maltese Islands