Start date: 09 April 2024
Closing date: 07 May 2024
Title of the public consultation: Intent and Objectives: Action Plan for the Management of four Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern
Ministry: Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour (MEER)
Entity: Environment and Resources Authority (ERA)
- Background
In terms of Article 51 of the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549), it is duly notified that the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) is preparing an Action Plan for the management of four invasive alien species (IAS) of Union Concern.
The EU IAS Regulations (Regulation (EU) 1143/2014) sets out provisions for the prevention, reduction and mitigation of the adverse effects caused by IAS of Union Concern. In this regard, MS are required to have adequate measures in place for the control of those IAS of Union Concern that are widely spread within their territories. In line with the provisions of Article 19 and 26 of the EU IAS Regulations, ERA shall be drafting an action plan to spearhead the undertaking of measures for the management of following IAS:
- Acacia saligna (ENG: Golden Wreath Wattle, MLT: l-akaċja);
- Ailanthus altissima (ENG: Tree-of-heaven, MLT: ix-xumakk; ix-xumakk falz);
- Cardiospermum grandiflorum (ENG: Balloon Vine; MLT: tuffieħ ir-riħ); and
- Pennisetum setaceum (ENG: Crimson Fountaingrass, MLT: il-pjuma; il-penniżetum).
- Consultation
Intent and Objectives
The main intent of the Action Plan is to have effective management measures in place for the control of four IAS of Union concern that are widely spread within the Maltese Islands, so that their impact on biodiversity and the related ecosystem services are minimised. Such measures principally aim to reduce or contain the populations of the concerned invasive species.
In this regard, the Action Plan shall aim to achieve a number of objectives, such as the following:
- the removal, control or containment of populations of IAS of Union Concern which are widely spread within the Maltese Islands;
- to promote and enhance collaboration between relevant stakeholders;
- to address knowledge gaps through the enhancement of the current surveillance and monitoring system for the detection of IAS of Union Concern;
- to increase communication, education and public awareness on IAS and the threats they pose; and
- to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures undertaken to reach the objectives of the concerned Action Plan.
Key questions
ERA invites the public to submit any feedback on the intent and objectives of the concerned Action Plan. The following consultation questions are presented to guide such feedback:
- Do you agree with the proposed intent and objectives of the Action Plan?
- Can the objectives be further refined, keeping in mind the intent of this Action Plan?
- Should there be additional objectives not identified above?
- Which objectives and actions would you consider as priorities noting the subject matter and the species in question?
- How would you assist in the implementation of such an Action Plan?
- Do you have any further feedback or comments on the intent or objectives of this Action Plan?
- Submission of feedback
Comments are being invited through the feedback form at or otherwise by e-mail through [email protected].
- Further notes
Please be informed that comments submitted, together with the identity of the contributor, may be published online at the end of the public consultation, unless the contributor objects to the publication of his/her personal data. In this case, the contribution may be published in anonymous form.
All comments submitted shall be duly considered.
The draft Action Plan for the management of four invasive alien species of Union concern will be available for public consultation in due course.