Reference | Title | Download |
S.L. 549.01 | Fungus Rock (il-Ä ebla tal-Ä eneral) Nature Reserve Regulation | MT EN |
S.L. 549.02 | Reptiles (Protection) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.03 | Selmunett Islands (St.Paul Islands) Nature Reserve Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.04 | Environment Protection (Preventive and Remedial Measures) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.05 | Non-Alcoholic Beverages (Containers) Notice | MT EN |
S.L. 549.06 | Environment Protection Control of Substances Depleting the Ozone Layer Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.07 | Deposit of Wastes and Rubble (Fees) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.08 | Combating of Air Pollution from Industrial Plants Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.09 | Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.10 | Pollution caused by Certain Dangerous Substances discharged into the Aquatic Environment Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.11 | Air Pollution by Ozone Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.12 | Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Hexachlorocyclohexane Discharges | MT EN |
S.L. 549.13 | Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Mercury Discharges by Sectors other than the Chlor-Alkali Electrolysis Industry Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.14 | Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Mercury Discharges by the Chlor-alkali Electrolysis Industry Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.15 | Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Cadmium Discharges Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.16 | Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer (Incorporation) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.17 | Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Discharges of Certain Dangerous Substances into the Aquatic Environment Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.18 | Prevention and Reduction of Environmental Pollution by Asbestos Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.19 | Nomination of Competent Authority Order | MT EN |
S.L. 549.20 | Importation of Skins of Certain Seal Pups and Derived Products Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.21 | Quality required of Surface Water intended for the Abstraction of Drinking Water Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.22 | Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.23 | Quality required of Shellfish Waters Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.24 | Quality of Fresh Waters Supporting Fish Life (Protection and Improvement) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.25 | Protection of Waters against Pollution caused by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.26 | Development Planning (Clamping and Removal of Objects used for Illegal Development) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.27 | Convention on Biological Diversity (Incorporation) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.28 | Waste Management (Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Polychlorinated Terphenyls) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.29 | Waste Management (Landfill) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.30 | Availability of Consumer Information on Fuel Economy and Carbondioxide Emissions in respect of the Marketing of New Passenger Cars Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.31 | Biosafety Co-ordinating Committee Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.32 | National Emission Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants Regulations (Repealed by Legal Notice 303 of 2018) | MT EN |
S.L. 549.33 | Export and Imports of Certain Dangerous Chemicals Regulations (Repealed by Legal Notice 27 of 2017) | MT EN |
S.L. 549.34 | Chemicals Co-ordinating Committee Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.35 | Marine Mammals Protection Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.36 | Waste Management (End of Life Vehicles) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.37 | Assessment and Management of Environment Noise Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.38 | Trade in Species of Fauna and Flora Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.39 | Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.40 | Abandonment, Dumping and Disposal of Waste in Streets and Public Places or Areas Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.41 | Plans and Programmes (Public Participation) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.42 | Conservation of Wild Birds Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.43 | Waste Management (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.44 | Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.45 | Waste Management (Activity Registration) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.46 | Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.47 | European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Reporting Obligations Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.48 | Establishment of the Majjistral, Nature and History Park Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.49 | Contained Use of Genetically Modified Micro-Organisms Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.50 | Waste Management (Management of Waste from Extractive Industries and Backfilling) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.51 | Waste Management(Supervision and Control of Shipments of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.52 | Control of Volatile Organic Compound-VOC Emissions (Storage and Distribution of Petrol from Terminals to Service Stations) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.53 | Protection of Groundwater against Pollution and Deterioration Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.54 | Waste Management (Waste Batteries and Accumulators) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.55 | Certain Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.56 | Large Combustion Plants Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.57 | Framework for Allowing a Derogation Opening a Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove and Quail Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.58 | Substances Depleting the Ozone Layer Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.59 | Ambient Air Quality Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.60 | Deliberate Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.61 | Strategic Environmental Assessment Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.62 | Marine Policy Framework Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.63 | Waste Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.64 | Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations [Repealed by Legal Notice 258 of 2018, see regulation 2(2)] | MT EN |
S.L. 549.65 | Waste Management (Shipments of Waste) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.66 | Nitrates Action Programme Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.67 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of the periods for Hunting and Taking for 2011) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.68 | Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.69 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a period for Taking) (Song Thrush) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.70 | Environment and Planning Commission (Types of Applications) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.71 | Limitation of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (Paints, Varnishes and Vehicle Refinishing Products) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.72 | Daily Penalties (Environment) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.73 | Schedule of Penalties Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.74 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation Opening an Autumn Live-Capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.75 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a derogation for a 2012 Autumn live-capturing season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.76 | Industrial Emissions (Framework) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.77 | Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.78 | Industrial Emissions (Large Combustion Plants) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.79 | Industrial Emissions (Limitation of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.80 | Industrial Emissions (Titanium Dioxide) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.81 | Industrial Emissions (Waste Incineration) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.82 | Infrastructure for Spatial Information Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.83 | Majjistral Nature and History Park Site Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.84 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of the periods for Hunting in Autumn – Winter 2013 – 2014) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.85 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation for the Control of Birds in the Interest of Air-Safety) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.86 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.87 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2013 Autumn Live-Capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) | MT EN |
S.L. 549.88 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2014 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove and Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.89 | Waste Management (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.90 | Protection of Wild Rabbit Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.91 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2014 Autumn live-capturing season for Finches) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.92 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2014 Autumn live-capturing season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.93 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation Opening an Autumn Live-Capturing Season for Finches) Regulations (Repealed by Legal Notice 383 of 2018) | MT EN |
S.L. 549.94 | Timber and Timber Products (Placing on the Market) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.95 | Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Licensing Scheme Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.96 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columbia Livia) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.97 | Prevention and Remedying of Environmental Damage Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.98 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2015 Autumn livecapturing season for Finches) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.99 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2015 Autumn livecapturing season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.100 | Water Policy Framework Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.101 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of the Autumn Hunting Season for Turtle Dove) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.102 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2016 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove and Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.103 | Environment and Development Planning Act (Repeal and Applicability of Subsidiary Legislation) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.104 | Environment and Development Planning Act (Transfer of Assets, Rights, Liabilities, Obligations, and Functions) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.105 | Environment and Planning Appeals (Fees) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.106 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Falconry) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.107 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2016 live-capturing season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.108 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2016 live-capturing season for Finches) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.109 | Establishment of the Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.110 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columbia Livia) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.111 | Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their Utilisation Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.112 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2017 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.113 | Period of Shutdown of the Environment and Resources Authority Offices Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.114 | Environment Protection Act (Transfer of Assets) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.115 | Limitation of Emissions of Certain Atmospheric Pollutants Regulations (Repealed by Legal Notice 303 of 2018) | MT EN |
S.L. 549.116 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.117 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2017 Live-Capturing Season for Finches) Regulation | MT EN |
S.L. 549.118 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2017 Live-Capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.119 | Control of Invasive Alien Species of European Union Concern Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.120 | Species Protection (Designation of National Species) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.121 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2018 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.122 | Limitation of Emissions of Certain Pollutants into the air from Medium Combustion Plants Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.123 | Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.124 | Limitation of Emissions of Certain Atmospheric Pollutants Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.125 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2018 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.126 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.127 | Out of Court Settlement Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.128 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2019 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.129 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Birds in the Interest of Air Safety) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.130 | Action on Illegal Deposit of Material on Land and Illegal Reclamation of Land Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.131 | Waste Management (Ship Recycling) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.132 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2019 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.133 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2020 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.134 | Beverage Containers Recycling Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.135 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Birds in the Interest of Air Safety for period 2020–2021) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.136 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2020 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.137 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Research Derogation To Determine Malta’s Reference Population of Seven Finch Species) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.138 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing a Research Period to determine Malta’s Reference Population of Seven Finch Species) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.139 | Restrictions on Placing on the Market of Plastic Carrier Bags Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.140 | Restrictions on Placing on the Market of Single-Use Plastic Products Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.141 | Extended Producer Responsibility Framework Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.142 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2021 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.143 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.144 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of the Autumn Hunting Season for Turtle Dove) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.145 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation to Carry out Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.146 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.147 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2021 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) | MT EN |
S.L. 549.148 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2022 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove and Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.149 | Single-Use Plastic Framework Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.150 | Il-Ponta tal-Qawra Nature Reserve Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.151 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species in Autumn 2022) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.152 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2022 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.153 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.154 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2023 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.155 | Groundwater (Prohibition of Discharge to Groundwater Bodies) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.156 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2023 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.157 | Stony Sea Urchin Protection Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.158 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.159 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species in Autumn 2023) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.160 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2023 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.161 | Construction and Demolition Waste Framework Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.162 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2024 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.163 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2024 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.164 | Notification of Groundwater Sources Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.165 | Borehole Drilling and Excavation Works within the Saturated Zone Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.166 | Groundwater Abstraction (Metering) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.167 | Assessment and Management of Flood Risks Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.168 | Users of Groundwater Sources (Application) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.169 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) Regulations | MT EN |
S.L. 549.170 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2024 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations and these regulations shall be read in conjunction with the Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation Opening an Autumn Live-Capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations. | MT EN |
S.L. 549.171 | Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species in Autumn 2024) Regulations, 2024 | MT EN |
S.L.10.22 | Conifer Trees (Preservation) Regulations | MT EN |