Subsidiary Legislation

S.L. 549.01Fungus Rock (il-Ä ebla tal-Ä eneral) Nature Reserve RegulationMT EN
S.L. 549.02Reptiles (Protection) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.03Selmunett Islands (St.Paul Islands) Nature Reserve RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.04Environment Protection (Preventive and Remedial Measures) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.05Non-Alcoholic Beverages (Containers) NoticeMT EN
S.L. 549.06Environment Protection Control of Substances Depleting the Ozone Layer RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.07Deposit of Wastes and Rubble (Fees) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.08Combating of Air Pollution from Industrial Plants RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.09Sludge (Use in Agriculture) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.10Pollution caused by Certain Dangerous Substances discharged into the Aquatic Environment RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.11Air Pollution by Ozone RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.12Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Hexachlorocyclohexane DischargesMT EN
S.L. 549.13Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Mercury Discharges by Sectors other than the Chlor-Alkali Electrolysis Industry RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.14Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Mercury Discharges by the Chlor-alkali Electrolysis Industry RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.15Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Cadmium Discharges RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.16Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer (Incorporation) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.17Limit Values and Quality Objectives for Discharges of Certain Dangerous Substances into the Aquatic Environment RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.18Prevention and Reduction of Environmental Pollution by Asbestos RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.19Nomination of Competent Authority OrderMT EN
S.L. 549.20Importation of Skins of Certain Seal Pups and Derived Products RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.21Quality required of Surface Water intended for the Abstraction of Drinking Water RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.22Urban Waste Water Treatment RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.23Quality required of Shellfish Waters RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.24Quality of Fresh Waters Supporting Fish Life (Protection and Improvement) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.25Protection of Waters against Pollution caused by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.26Development Planning (Clamping and Removal of Objects used for Illegal Development) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.27Convention on Biological Diversity (Incorporation) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.28Waste Management (Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Polychlorinated Terphenyls) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.29Waste Management (Landfill) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.30Availability of Consumer Information on Fuel Economy and Carbondioxide Emissions in respect of the Marketing of New Passenger Cars RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.31Biosafety Co-ordinating Committee RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.32National Emission Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants Regulations (Repealed by Legal Notice 303 of 2018)MT EN
S.L. 549.33Export and Imports of Certain Dangerous Chemicals Regulations (Repealed by Legal Notice 27 of 2017)MT EN
S.L. 549.34Chemicals Co-ordinating Committee RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.35Marine Mammals Protection RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.36Waste Management (End of Life Vehicles) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.37Assessment and Management of Environment Noise RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.38Trade in Species of Fauna and Flora RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.39Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.40Abandonment, Dumping and Disposal of Waste in Streets and Public Places or Areas RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.41Plans and Programmes (Public Participation) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.42Conservation of Wild Birds RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.43Waste Management (Packaging and Packaging Waste) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.44Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.45Waste Management (Activity Registration) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.46Environmental Impact Assessment RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.47European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Reporting Obligations RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.48Establishment of the Majjistral, Nature and History Park RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.49Contained Use of Genetically Modified Micro-Organisms RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.50Waste Management (Management of Waste from Extractive Industries and Backfilling) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.51Waste Management(Supervision and Control of Shipments of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.52Control of Volatile Organic Compound-VOC Emissions (Storage and Distribution of Petrol from Terminals to Service Stations) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.53Protection of Groundwater against Pollution and Deterioration RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.54Waste Management (Waste Batteries and Accumulators) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.55Certain Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.56Large Combustion Plants RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.57Framework for Allowing a Derogation Opening a Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove and Quail RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.58Substances Depleting the Ozone Layer RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.59Ambient Air Quality RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.60Deliberate Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.61Strategic Environmental Assessment RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.62Marine Policy Framework RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.63Waste RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.64Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations [Repealed by Legal Notice 258 of 2018, see regulation 2(2)]MT EN
S.L. 549.65Waste Management (Shipments of Waste) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.66Nitrates Action Programme RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.67Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of the periods for Hunting and Taking for 2011) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.68Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.69Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a period for Taking) (Song Thrush) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.70Environment and Planning Commission (Types of Applications) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.71Limitation of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (Paints, Varnishes and Vehicle Refinishing Products) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.72Daily Penalties (Environment) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.73Schedule of Penalties RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.74Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation Opening an Autumn Live-Capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.75Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a derogation for a 2012 Autumn live-capturing season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.76Industrial Emissions (Framework) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.77Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.78Industrial Emissions (Large Combustion Plants) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.79Industrial Emissions (Limitation of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.80Industrial Emissions (Titanium Dioxide) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.81Industrial Emissions (Waste Incineration) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.82Infrastructure for Spatial Information RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.83Majjistral Nature and History Park Site RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.84Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of the periods for Hunting in Autumn – Winter 2013 – 2014) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.85Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation for the Control of Birds in the Interest of Air-Safety) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.86Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.87Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2013 Autumn Live-Capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover)MT EN
S.L. 549.88Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2014 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove and Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.89Waste Management (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.90Protection of Wild Rabbit RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.91Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2014 Autumn live-capturing season for Finches) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.92Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2014 Autumn live-capturing season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.93Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation Opening an Autumn Live-Capturing Season for Finches) Regulations (Repealed by Legal Notice 383 of 2018)MT EN
S.L. 549.94Timber and Timber Products (Placing on the Market) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.95Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Licensing Scheme RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.96Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columbia Livia) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.97Prevention and Remedying of Environmental Damage RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.98Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2015 Autumn livecapturing season for Finches) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.99Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2015 Autumn livecapturing season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.100Water Policy Framework RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.101Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of the Autumn Hunting Season for Turtle Dove) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.102Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2016 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove and Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.103Environment and Development Planning Act (Repeal and Applicability of Subsidiary Legislation) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.104Environment and Development Planning Act (Transfer of Assets, Rights, Liabilities, Obligations, and Functions) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.105Environment and Planning Appeals (Fees) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.106Conservation of Wild Birds (Falconry) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.107Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2016 live-capturing season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.108Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2016 live-capturing season for Finches) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.109Establishment of the Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.110Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columbia Livia) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.111Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their Utilisation RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.112Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2017 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.113Period of Shutdown of the Environment and Resources Authority Offices RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.114Environment Protection Act (Transfer of Assets) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.115Limitation of Emissions of Certain Atmospheric Pollutants Regulations (Repealed by Legal Notice 303 of 2018)MT EN
S.L. 549.116Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.117Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2017 Live-Capturing Season for Finches) RegulationMT EN
S.L. 549.118Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2017 Live-Capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.119Control of Invasive Alien Species of European Union Concern RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.120Species Protection (Designation of National Species) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.121Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2018 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.122Limitation of Emissions of Certain Pollutants into the air from Medium Combustion Plants RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.123Trees and Woodlands Protection RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.124Limitation of Emissions of Certain Atmospheric Pollutants RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.125Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2018 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.126Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.127Out of Court Settlement RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.128Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2019 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.129Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Birds in the Interest of Air Safety) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.130Action on Illegal Deposit of Material on Land and Illegal Reclamation of Land RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.131Waste Management (Ship Recycling) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.132Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2019 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.133Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2020 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.134Beverage Containers Recycling RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.135Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Birds in the Interest of Air Safety for period 2020–2021) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.136Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2020 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.137Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Research Derogation To Determine Malta’s Reference Population of Seven Finch Species) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.138Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing a Research Period to determine Malta’s Reference Population of Seven Finch Species) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.139Restrictions on Placing on the Market of Plastic Carrier Bags RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.140Restrictions on Placing on the Market of Single-Use Plastic Products RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.141Extended Producer Responsibility Framework RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.142Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2021 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.143Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.144Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of the Autumn Hunting Season for Turtle Dove) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.145Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation to Carry out Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.146Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.147Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2021 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover)MT EN
S.L. 549.148Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2022 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove and Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.149Single-Use Plastic Framework RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.150Il-Ponta tal-Qawra Nature Reserve RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.151Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species in Autumn 2022) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.152Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2022 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.153Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.154Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2023 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.155Groundwater (Prohibition of Discharge to Groundwater Bodies) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.156Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2023 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.157Stony Sea Urchin Protection RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.158Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.159Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species in Autumn 2023) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.160Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2023 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.161Construction and Demolition Waste Framework RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.162Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2024 Spring Hunting Season for Quail) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.163Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for a 2024 Spring Hunting Season for Turtle Dove) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.164Notification of Groundwater Sources RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.165Borehole Drilling and Excavation Works within the Saturated Zone RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.166Groundwater Abstraction (Metering) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.167Assessment and Management of Flood Risks RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.168Users of Groundwater Sources (Application) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.169Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration of a Derogation for the Control of Sturnus vulgaris and Columba livia) RegulationsMT EN
S.L. 549.170Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation for an Autumn 2024 Live-capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations and these regulations shall be read in conjunction with the Conservation of Wild Birds (Framework for Allowing a Derogation Opening an Autumn Live-Capturing Season for Song Thrush and Golden Plover) Regulations.MT EN
S.L. 549.171Conservation of Wild Birds (Declaration on a Derogation Allowing Scientific Research on Seven Finch Species in Autumn 2024) Regulations, 2024MT EN
S.L.10.22Conifer Trees (Preservation) RegulationsMT EN