Long Term Waste Management Plan 2021 – 2030
The Long Term Waste Management Plan for Malta 2021-2030, published by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning (MECP), recognises the need for Malta to move away from the consume and throw mentality and strengthen the transition towards resource efficient circular economy. The plan identifies the following strategic objectives:
- Maximise the resource value in waste through different management options;
- Innovate by designing waste prevention initiatives to lower Malta’s per capita generation rate;
- Reform the collection system to increase economies of scale, harmonise collection practices and modernise the collection fleet;
- Build the necessary waste management facilities to treat recyclable, organic and residual waste to achieve Malta’s targets;
- Study the feasibility of an enhanced producer responsibility framework to complement Malta’s transition to a circular economy and reflect further on the true cost of waste management; and
- Promote further the involvement of the private sector in waste management.
These strategic objectives will be achieved through the implementation of a number of targeted measures, that cater for waste prevention and improvements to its collection and treatment (including infrastructure), Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), commercial waste, monitoring and compliance together with data management.
These measures have been categorised based on the timeframe during which they will be implemented, that is in the short term, medium term or the long term, spanning between 2021 and 2030.
Long Term Waste Management Plan 2021 – 2030 – Approved Policy
Draft Policy – Public Consultation Submissions & Responses