Majjistral Nature and History Park Site (Amendment) Regulations, 2020



Start date: 16 October 2020

Closing date: 14 November 2020

Title of the public consultation: Majjistral Nature and History Park Site (Amendment) Regulations, 2020

Ministry: Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning

Entity: Environment & Resources Authority


  1. Background

The principal aim of the Majjistral Nature and History Park Site (Amendment) Regulations is to provide further legal clarity with respect to the practice of falconry within the Majjistral Park.

The proposed legal notice seeks to amend the Majjistral, Nature and History Park Site Regulations (S.L. 549.83) hereafter, referred to as the principal regulations in order to:

  • Amend the definition of the terms ‘hunt’ and ‘hunting’ of the principal regulations so as to ensure that such terms solely encompass the hunting of game species through the use of a fire-arm or any other weapon and do not include the hunting and taking of such species through falconry;
  • Amend the definition of the terms ‘take’ and ‘taking’ to clarify that such definition covers the live-capture of both wild birds and wild rabbit;
  • Introduce restrictions on the possession of wild birds or wild rabbits (whether alive, dead or, parts of) outside the hours when falconry is permitted.


  1. Consultation

In line with Article 55 of the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549) the public is invited to make submissions to ERA with their comments as to why and how these regulations could be amended.


  1. Documents

Majjistral Nature and History Park Site (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 

Regolamenti tal-2020 li jemendaw ir-Regolamenti dwar Is-Sit ta’ Il-Majjistral, Park ta’ Natura u Storja


  1. Submission of feedback

Comments will be received by email on [email protected].


  1. Further notes

Please be informed that comments submitted, together with the identity of the contributor, may be published online at the end of the public consultation, unless the contributor objects to the publication of his/her personal data. In this case, the contribution may be published in anonymous form.