Malta’s Marine Monitoring Programme – First Cycle


The marine monitoring programme prepared for the first cycle of the MSFD encompassed 11 monitoring factsheets incorporating the 13 monitoring programmes. The programme was reported to the EU Commission in accordance with the MSFD GES descriptors as follows.

These factsheets outline the monitoring processes to be applied for each theme or group of related themes, including monitoring parameters, methodologies and, where possible, monitoring areas.

1.4Biodiversity - Seabirds
1.4Biodiversity - Marine Reptiles & Mammals
1.4Biodiversity - Fish & Cephalopods
1.4Biodiversity - Water Column Habitats
1.4,6Biodiversity - Seabed Habitats
2Non-Indigenous Species
3Fish Commercial Species
7Hydrographical Changes
9Contaminants in Seafood
10Marine Litter
11Energy including Underwater Noise

general report​ outlining the adequacy of the current monitoring programmes and identifying the need for further development has been drafted on the basis of the MSFD reporting questions.

The monitoring programme was implemented over the period 2017 – 2019 as part of EMFF 8.3.1 project.