Malta’s Proposed National Strategy on Invasive Alien Species


From: Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change
(Environment and Resources Authority)
​Published: ​27 July 2018
Running till: ​10 August 2018
​Last Updated: ​13 August 2018


1. Background

In terms of Article 51 of the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549), it is duly notified that the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) is preparing a “National Strategy for Preventing and Mitigating the Impact of Invasive Alien Species in the Maltese Islands”, in line with the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) as adopted by the Government of Malta in terms of the same Act.

Measure BI2 of the NBSAP identified the need to set up a systematic and coherent national strategy on invasive non-native species based on the Convention on Biological Diversity’s three-stage hierarchical approach, which includes prevention, early detection of the species, and rapid action by eradication, containment and control (where feasible).

The main objectives of the proposed ‘National Strategy on Invasive Alien Species’ are:

To establish a comprehensive and proactive framework for dealing with invasions of non-native species;
To provide coordinated measures for: prevention of harmful introductions, risk assessments, early detection, rapid response and factors to be considered for effective management and follow-up;
To contribute to the conservation of ecosystems and their associated services, as well as social and economic safeguard through the elimination of the pressures and threats posed by invasive alien species;
To give an overview of the legal requirements of global, regional and national legislation as well as provides strategic direction on how to address invasive alien species at a national level followed by recommendations;
To fulfil the requirements of Malta’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP, 2012-2020; Measures BI1 to BI3) and to create the impetus needed to achieve the national biodiversity target that calls for prevention, control and eradication of invasive alien species.​

2. Consultation Questions

The public is invited to submit any feedback or comments on the intent and objectives of this National Strategy.

3. Submission of input

Submissions were sent in through the following channel:
By email: [email protected]

​Submissions were received by 10 August 2018.
We thank you for your input.
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