Start date: 14 February 2023
Closing date: 28 March 2023
Title of the public consultation: Public Consultation: National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) to 2030
Ministry: Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise (MEEE)
Entity: Environment and Resources Authority (ERA)
- Background
As a Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Malta is required to establish a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) with the purpose of integrating biodiversity concerns into relevant sectoral or cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies.
The mandate for developing Malta’s NBSAP also stems from EC Council Decision of 25 October 1993 concerning the conclusion of the Convention on Biological Diversity (93/626/EEC), the Convention on Biological Diversity (Incorporation) Regulations (S.L. 549.27), and the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.44). The NBSAP also aligns with Malta’s Sustainable Development Vision for 2050, as well as the National Strategy for the Environment (NSE), which were recently approved by Cabinet.
Malta adopted its first NBSAP in 2012, covering the period to 2020. A final review of progress has been carried out, and the findings showed that Malta has advanced on the implementation of communication awareness efforts, protection of land across the Maltese Islands, designation of additional marine protected areas, and development of numerous policy frameworks, citizen science initiatives and tools, and uptake of EU funds for major biodiversity-related projects.
The NBSAP to 2030 is driven by a long-term vision to 2050, as established in the National Strategy for the Environment. The vision asserts that: “By 2050, Malta’s biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored and sustainably used for the benefit of nature, people and climate.” To achieve this vision, the NBSAP’s mission was defined as: “to put Malta’s biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030 for the benefit of the planet and people, by stepping up national efforts to effectively respond to the biodiversity crisis”.
The NBSAP establishes a Strategic Framework to guide the fulfilment of the mission of the NBSAP to 2030. It outlines the following 5 policy areas where action is necessary: conserving and restoring nature; addressing the drivers of biodiversity loss; using biodiversity sustainably; mainstreaming and awareness-raising; and enhancing implementation and cooperation. Under each policy area, targets to be achieved by 2030 have been defined. These address protected areas, ecosystem restoration, genetic diversity, invasive alien species, climate change, pollution, sustainable agriculture and fisheries, biotechnology, mainstreaming of biodiversity in the public and private sectors, and education and public awareness, amongst others. Nested within 22 targets are 78 actions, the implementation of which contributes to the achievement of each target. These targets and actions are aligned with biodiversity targets at global and EU level, while reflecting national priorities and capacities.
- Consultation
ERA is inviting the public and interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the draft National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to 2030. The following consultation questions are being provided to guide the consultation:
- Do you think that the proposed Targets and Actions under each Policy Area adequately provide the environmental direction which is required in the coming 8 years?
- What targets and strategic actions, besides those already mentioned under the respective Policy Area, do you feel should be included?
- Documents
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to 2030 – Public Consultation Draft
Report on comments submitted during Intent and Objectives stage
Stakeholder Consultation Meeting Recording
- Submission of feedback
Comments are being invited through the feedback form at or otherwise by email through [email protected].
- Further notes
Please be informed that comments submitted, together with the identity of the contributor, may be published online at the end of the public consultation, unless the contributor objects to the publication of his/her personal data. In this case, the contribution may be published in anonymous form.
All comments submitted shall be duly considered.