Noise Action Plan

Noise Action Plan

According to the Environmental Noise Directive (END, 2002/49/EC), environmental noise is unwanted or harmful outdoor sound created by human activities, including noise emitted by means of transport, road traffic, rail traffic, air traffic, and from sites of industrial activity. This Directive is the main EU instrument to identify noise pollution levels and to trigger the necessary action through the compilation of strategic noise maps for major roads, railways, airports and agglomerations. Following the noise maps, noise action plans should be developed to prevent and reduce noise where necessary and preserve the noise climate where it is good.

In this regard, the first Noise Action Plan ​was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the END. The plan outlines a long-term strategy which aims to prevent and reduce environmental noise where necessary, particularly where exposure levels can induce harmful effects on human health and preserving environmental noise quality where it is good. The plan provides an overview of the requirements and obligations of the Assessment and Management of Environment Noise Regulations (S.L. 549.37), presents a summary of the results of the strategic noise maps within Malta, and illustrates actions to be taken during its implementation. It also sets out short, medium and long-term objectives for monitoring and management of environmental noise in Malta.

The Plan also includes an overview of noise management legislation and guidance, description of the area covered by the plan, an overview of public participation in the development of the plan and an implementation plan.

For more information on this policy, please contact [email protected].


Noise Action Plan – Approved Policy