Other services

The following is a list of companies providing other monitoring services. For further information regarding the services provided, click on the link in the right column, or contact the company directly.




EmailFurther information

Agricultural monitoring

Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd

2137 8172
9949 2381

[email protected]Click Here
AIS Environment

2180 3374
9949 1912
[email protected]Click Here
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]Click Here
Ambient air monitoring

AIS Environment

2180 3374
9949 1912

[email protected]
Click Here
Ecoserv Ltd

2143 1900
7943 1900
[email protected]Click Here
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]Click Here
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]Click Here
Environmental Monitoring Services Ltd

2124 7356
7931 1234
[email protected]Click Here
Navan Scientific Ltd

2132 3349
9999 2229

[email protected]
Click Here
Robert Cortis

2144 0144
7906 9621
[email protected]Click Here
Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd 21378172
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd21378180
[email protected]Click Here
​Sun Lab Group Ltd ​2138 1391
7959 8726
​[email protected]Click Here
Aquatic biota analysis

Navan Scientific Ltd

2132 3349
9999 2229

[email protected]
Click Here
Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser

Konrad Maistre

2138 9741
7953 7983
[email protected]
Resolve Consulting Ltd

2141 9120
9917 5951

[email protected]
Tuning Fork Ltd

2137 7934[email protected]
Ecological monitoring

Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd

2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
AIS Environment

2180 3374
9949 1912
[email protected]Click Here
AquaBioTech Group Ltd.2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Click Here
Ecoserv Ltd

2143 1900
7943 1900
[email protected]Click Here
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]Click Here
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]Click Here
Robert Cortis

2144 0144
7906 9621
[email protected]Click Here
Mark Zammit


[email protected]Click Here
Fuel analysis

Navan Scientific Ltd

2132 3349
9999 2229

[email protected]Click Here
Geology, geomorphology, hydrology and hydrogeology

Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd

2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
AIS Environment
2180 3374
9949 1912
[email protected]Click Here
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]Click Here
Terracore Ltd

2158 3241

[email protected] Click Here
Geotechnical analysis

Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd

2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
AIS Environment
2180 3374
9949 1912
[email protected]Click Here
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]Click Here
Terracore Ltd

2158 3241

[email protected]Click Here
IPPC applications

Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd
2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd21378180
[email protected]Click Here
AIS Environment2180 3374
9949 1912
[email protected]
E-Consulting9983 2028 [email protected]
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]
Tuning Fork Advisory Ltd.2137 7934[email protected]
Joe Doublet2132 3038
7932 3038
[email protected]
Environmental Permit applications AIS Environment2180 3374
9949 1912
[email protected]
Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd 2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd21378180
[email protected]Click Here
AquaBioTech Group Ltd. 2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
E-Consulting9983 2028 [email protected]
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]
Tuning Fork Advisory Ltd.2137 7934[email protected]
Joe Doublet2132 3038
7932 3038
[email protected]
Microbiological contamination

AquaBioTech Group Ltd.
2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Ecoserv Ltd2143 1900
7943 1900
[email protected]Click Here
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]Click Here
Optical gas imaging
Galea Curmi Engineering Services Ltd

2755 9552
7971 0333

[email protected]
Product analysis

Navan Scientific Ltd

2132 3349
9999 2229

[email protected]
Click Here
Sediment analysis

AIS Environment

2180 3374
9949 1912

[email protected]
Click Here
Navan Scientific Ltd
2132 3349
9999 2229

[email protected]
Click Here
Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd 2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd2137 8180
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
Robert Cortis

2144 0144
7906 9621

[email protected]
Click Here
​Sun Lab Group Ltd 2138 1391
7959 8726
​[email protected]Click Here
Vibration monitoring

Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd

2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd

2137 8180
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
Vibration monitoring (excluding blast monitoring)

Environmental Monitoring Services Ltd

2124 7356
7931 1234
[email protected]Click Here
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]Click Here
Terracore Ltd

2158 3241

[email protected]Click Here
Waste management consultancy

Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd

2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
AIS Environment

2180 3374
9949 1912

[email protected]
Click Here
Robert Cortis

2144 0144
7906 9621

[email protected]Click Here
E-Consulting9983 2028
[email protected]
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]Click Here
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]Click Here
Tuning Fork Advisory Ltd.2137 7934[email protected]
Joe Doublet2132 3038
7932 3038
[email protected]
TMConsult9988 4210[email protected]
​Waste Sampling & Analysis AIS Environment
2180 3374
9949 1912

[email protected]
Click Here
E-Consulting 9983 2028
[email protected] Click Here
Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd 2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd2137 8180
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
​Sun Lab Group Ltd ​​2138 1391
7959 8726
[email protected]Click Here
Sustainability consulting AIS Environment
2180 3374
9949 1912

[email protected]
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]
Tuning Fork Advisory Ltd.2137 7934[email protected]
ISO 14001 consultingTuning Fork Advisory Ltd.2137 7934[email protected]
E-Consulting9983 2028
[email protected] Click Here
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]Click Here
Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd 2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd2137 8180
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
EMAS consultingTuning Fork Advisory Ltd.2137 7934[email protected]
Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd 2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
E-Consulting9983 2028
[email protected] Click Here
En-Sure Ltd2137 8180
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
Environmental ReportingAIS Environment
2180 3374
9949 1912

[email protected]
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]
Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd 2137 8172
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd2137 8180
9949 2381
[email protected]Click Here
E-Consulting9983 2028
[email protected] Click Here
Joe Doublet2132 3038
7932 3038
[email protected]
Stable isotope analysisAquaBioTech Group Ltd.2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Click Here
Fish servicesAIS Environment
2180 3374
9949 1912

[email protected]
Click Here
AquaBioTech Group Ltd.2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Click Here
Microbiology research servicesAquaBioTech Group Ltd.2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Click Here
Biofouling monitoring and analysisAquaBioTech Group Ltd.2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Click Here
Aquatic ecotoxicology servicesAquaBioTech Group Ltd.2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Click Here
Marine environmental monitoringAIS Environment
2180 3374
9949 1912

[email protected]
Click Here
AquaBioTech Group Ltd.2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Click Here
Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd21378172
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd21378180
[email protected]Click Here
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]Click Here
EMDP Ltd. 2141 6670
9947 4861
[email protected]Click Here
Marine mammal monitoringAquaBioTech Group Ltd.2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Click Here
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]Click Here
Total Deposited Dust MonitoringAdi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd21378172
[email protected]Click Here
En-Sure Ltd21378180
[email protected]Click Here
Construction Site MonitoringEn-Sure Ltd21378180
[email protected]Click Here
Ecostack Innovations7716 2343[email protected]Click Here
Transport and Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd21378172
[email protected]Click Here
Fish health servicesAIS Environment
2180 3374
9949 1912

[email protected]
Click Here
AquaBioTech Group Ltd.2258 4121
9994 0835
[email protected]

[email protected]
Click Here

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