The European Environment Agency (EEA) is once again organizing its annual photography competition.

This year the competition is entitled ‘Sustainably Yours’ and focuses on the importance of living sustainably. Photographers will be able to highlight challenges and opportunities from their perspective, according to three main aspects relates to sustainable living: food, energy and mobility.

The winners in each category will be awarded a cash prize of €1000, while €500 is on offer for both a Public Choice Award and a Youth Prize. The latter is awarded to participants aged between 18 and 24.

All finalists will be put forward for the Public Choice Award and may also feature in future digital and print material from the EEA and its European partners.

As an environmental regulator, ERA encourages participation in such competitions. In fact, the Authority’s mission is to safeguard the environment for a sustainable quality of life. ERA believes in artistic expression as one way in which the public may be made aware of environmental issues and in turn encouraged to take ownership in addressing them.

Details on the competition may be found here.


last year’s winners: