The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has reviewed the conclusions reached by the Environmental Implementation Review report on Malta, carried out by the European Commission.
It was noted that the European Commission recognises the fact that Malta is one of the leading countries in the EU for reducing primary energy consumption, although the need for waste reduction remains. The Commission also acknowledges the fact that Malta’s 2014-2020 waste management plan recognises the major problems the country is facing with waste management and includes useful policy actions.
Regarding the protection, conservation and enhancement of our natural environment, the Commission notes that the 34 local terrestrial Natura 2000 sites together cover approximately 13% of the total land area of the Maltese Islands. It also welcomes the new designations pertaining to Natura 2000 sites communicated in June 2018, which enhance the protection of reefs and caves.
ERA acts as a regulatory body. Together with the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change and other stakeholders, the Authority prepares various reports and assessments on Malta’s biodiversity. The Authority specifically sees to the implementation of policy, especially from a regulatory perspective, mostly related to the management of protected sites and species, linked with the pressures and threats that could potentially affect them. It also sees to the implementation of policy related to alien species, based on an EU regulation and also including national law. To this effect, various stakeholder meetings are being held, together with educational campaigns aimed at both stakeholders and the general public.
ERA’s water team is seeing to the implementation of the EU Water Acquis, which is primarily linked to achievement of policy objectives and reporting obligations emanating from the EU Water Framework Directive and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. ERA continues to implement a European Maritime and Fisheries Fund project for the improvement of knowledge and better management practices of pressures on the marine environment. In fact, ERA is expected to absorb the full EUR1.6 million in public eligible EMFF funds allocated for this programme, to continue working towards achieving good environmental status in our marine waters. With regards to air emissions, real time air monitoring stations can determine concentrations of most pollutants every fifteen minutes. This information is publically available on ERA’s website.
Compliance and enforcement measures are being strengthened and consolidated, especially with the setting up of an enforcement directorate in July 2018. Increased personnel, together with efforts directed towards their professional training, are leading to better enforcement measures, including the introduction of daily fines when perpetrators do not comply to set regulations. An administrative fines system is now fully functioning and the Authority has hired two ribs in order to better monitor the sea.
ERA recognises the importance of the recommendations presented by the European Commission. The Authority is currently in the process of developing the National Strategy for the Environment (NSE), which will be within the terms of the Environment Protection Act.
This long-term approach requires that the ERA focuses on what is necessary beyond the typical 5 to 10 year cycles. The overall objectives of the National Strategy for the Environment are to ensure a better and sustainable quality of life, provide a clear and long-term direction for our environment, set out national environmental targets, address the main environmental challenges Malta is facing and integrate and synergise efforts of all policies and stakeholders who directly or indirectly influence the state of our environment.
Finally, ERA strives continuously in order to engage the public in environmental awareness. In fact, the EU Commission recognises figures from 2017’s Eurobarometer, indicating that Malta has a very strong agreement (93% of respondents) that an individual can play a role in protecting the environment. ERA will continue communicating with various stakeholders and individuals, particularly younger generations, for the sake of environmental awareness, the protection of the environment and sustainable good practices.