The Mediterranean Killifish and the Maltese Freshwater Crab were declared as National Species to compliment current flagship species for Malta’s biodiversity. A number of National Species had been declared in Malta in the past, namely the National Plant – Maltese Rock Centaury, the National Tree – Sandarac Gum Tree and National Bird – Blue Rock Thrush. However, such declarations are now substantiated by legal provisions.
In this regard, the establishment of a legal framework for the designation of national species was appropriate and necessary. Through this framework, ERA does not only officially designate these species, but also includes criteria for future selection of further species of flora and fauna as national species under the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549).
The regulations also strengthen the level of legal protection of these species by increasing the penalties for contraventions against such national species. In addition, the regulations promote the conservation, surveillance and monitoring of these species.
The new Species Protection (Designation of National Species) Regulations (S.L. 549.120) came into force on the 23rd of January 2018. The regulations are available here.