Pink pancakes were Wednesday’s highlight at the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA), as colleagues organised a social event aimed at raising funds during the month dedicated to breast cancer awareness.

ERA’s role as Malta’s environmental regulator is to safeguard the environment for a sustainable quality of life. Countless research indicates that safeguarding the environment is synonymous with safeguarding our health and wellbeing.

Being aware of its social responsibility in this regard, ERA’s Corporate Services team collected donations from participating colleagues. In turn, pancakes and home-made treats were served for lunch. Donations will be handed to the Marigold Foundation, who is dedicated to raising awareness on the need to have oneself checked and screened on a regular basis.

ERA’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Louise Spiteri, held that education, support towards patients and their families and participation in events are key steps in order for there to be awareness.

‘Knowing what signs to look out for saves lives’, said Dr Spiteri, adding that research is vital in order to understand more about the causes and best care practices related to cancer. Dr Spiteri added that awareness on cancer is not only intended for women. Rather, awareness amongst men is vital too, which is further highlighted during the various campaigns that are organized nationally during the month of November.