The Environment and Resources Authority would like to notify the public that the 30 day public consultation for the Environment Impact Assessment process and the IPPC application will commence on Wednesday 19th October and will close on Thursday 17th November.
The Authority has requested the operators to make the applications and the related documentation together with the EIA documents available at the Marsaxlokk, Birzebbuga and Zejtun Local Councils.
As advertised on the Sunday newspapers, during this period, hard copies of all these documents will also be available for viewing at the Authority’s offices in Hexagon House, Spencer Hill, Marsa between Monday and Friday from 7:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00 and online on the Authority’s website.
The public is invited to review these documents and submit any comments in writing by the 17th November, to the Environment and Resources Authority by either sending an email on [email protected] or [email protected], as relevant, or by writing to the Authority at the address below:
Director of Environment
IPPC: (IP0002/07/E)
Environment and Resources Authority