During the board sitting of 8th May 2020 the ERA Board considered 7 applications for environmental permits, all of which were granted.

The applications included a request for a permit to operate a hotel at St. Paul’s Bay (EP0020/16). This permit covers various operations including the control and monitoring of the discharges to sea from the reverse osmosis plant and pools and the emissions from generators on site.

Another application (EP0086/19) covered a request for permit for the operations of the sea terminals at Cirkewwa and Mgarr, Gozo, covering the berthing facilities, waste management, refuelling, maintenance. The facility’s location which is overlooking a Special Protection Area was also taken into consideration and addressed in the permit.

Another two applications covered a request for a permit (EP0103/19) and a renewal of environment permit (EP0004/11) of two manufacturing plants located at Xewkija Industrial Estate, Gozo and Hal Far Industrial Estate, Malta, respectively. These permits cover various operations including control and monitoring of emissions from the manufacturing processes and associated activities and waste management.

An application to operate a chicken processing facility in Burmarrad (EP0059/19) was also considered. The permit covers the management of resultant wastes and effluents from the slaughtering facility, control of emissions to air from combustion plants on site amongst others.

Another application (EP0024/20) covered the request for a permit for the backfilling operations at a soft stone quarry in Mqabba. The permit addresses the waste management aspect of backfilling operations as well as various other aspects associated with site management and control.

In addition to the above permits, another application for renewal was also granted related to interventions within a Natura 2000 site. The application for renewal (NP 124/20) relates to the removal of a considerable number of alien species and restoration of the natural habitat within the confines of the Mellieha Holiday Centre. The permit includes various conditions aimed at mitigating the effects of the removal of alien species on the surrounding environment including ones related to control of resprouting together with the planting of a large number of specimens of indigenous species. An accompanying bank guarantee to ensure compliance with the conditions of the permit is also being requested.

8 May 2020