During the board sitting of 29th May 2020 the ERA Board considered 10 applications for an environmental permit, 7 of which were renewals, all of which were granted.

Renewal applications:

Request for the renewal and variation of an environment permit to operate a boatyard and a berthing facility at Kalkara. The permit includes obligations related to boat maintenance and repair, refuelling, contingency against spillages and accident prevention and regulation of waste management on site.

The renewal and variation of an environment permit to operate a waste management facility at Tal-Barrani Industrial Park, Ghaxaq. The environment permit covers a waste management activity associated with waste edible oil storage and decanting and the processing of fish oil waste. The permit includes conditions related to site management and control, waste storage and processing, and site containment amongst others.

A renewal of an environment permit issued to a waste management facility at Attrans Depot, Zebbug. The waste management activity relates to the storage and processing of waste clothes and associated end-of-waste procedures. Obligations in the permit cover the waste storage and processing, site infrastructure and management and conditions relating to the end-of-waste process.

A renewal of the environmental permit for an installation producing various electronic and mechanical parts for various uses in appliances and automobiles, located within the Mriehel Industrial Estate. Due to the activities carried out and the associated consumption of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), the installation falls within scope of the Industrial Emissions (Limitation of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds) Regulations, 2013. The permit thus includes monitoring of these pollutants from specific emission points.

Two renewal applications were also granted in relation to interventions within a Natura 2000 site and on protected species:
– The application for renewal relates to the breeding and rearing of Barn Owls at Buskett for release into the wild, as part of a reintroduction programme. The permit granted the renewed approval of the structures for the parent stock, hacking boxes and the procedure for release.
– The renewal of the permit for restoration works at Chadwick Lakes currently being carried out by the Energy and Water Agency (EWA) was also considered favourably, including removal of accumulated silt formation of water retention basins, removal of Invasive alien species of plants and planting of over 500 indigenous trees and shrubs. The permit includes various conditions aimed at mitigating the effects of the removal of alien species on the surrounding environment including ones related to control of resprouting, together with the planting of a large number of specimens of indigenous species. These interventions are aimed at restoring the ecology of the site to that of a typical Mediterranean valley system and making the site a more enjoyable and informative experience for visitors.

New applications:

Two applications covered the requests for an environment permit to operate manufacturing plants located at Kordin Industrial Estate, Paola and at Bulebel Industrial Estate, Zejtun. The permits cover operations related to the manufacturing of plastic products and amongst others have obligations related to the associated activities of waste management and by-product management.

A request for an environment permit to operate a batching plant at Ibragg. The main operations include the manufacture of concrete products and cold-asphalt, the recycling of inert waste and vehicle maintenance and repair. The permit includes obligations related to emissions to air, maintenance areas, fuel and chemical storage, process effluent management and waste acceptance and control.

A further application was related to the operations of a ship repair yard at located at Senglea. Works carried out at the installations include steel works, surface treatment, welding and engineering works, as well as blasting and painting which are carried out on the two dry docks, floating docks or in designated workshops on the quay. The permit includes obligations for monitoring of discharges from the docks and specific operational conditions, which the operator has to implement during blasting operations.

29 May 2020