It’s definitely nesting season for the loggerhead turtle at our beaches! We are delighted to share that in the early hours of this morning the 8th Turtle nest of the season was confirmed at Ir-Ramla L-Ħamra (Gozo). After the turtle had safely laid it’s eggs, checks of the turtle’s microchip found that this turtle is the same which had laid nest six this year.
ERA on call officers immediately went on site to ensure that the nest is protected.
The public is reminded that if a turtle is spotted during a nesting attempt, no interactions with the turtle are to be made, as noise and light may scare the turtle away and a potential nest may be lost as a result. One should also immediately report the sighting.
ERA thanks the public for their support and co-operation, and NTM who are supported by ERA to conduct animal rescues and rehabilitation around the Maltese islands.
For those who wish to report turtle activity – Call ERA (2292 3500) or NTM (9999 9505).
For those who wish to volunteer – Contact NTM on [email protected]
Note on the species: The loggerhead turtle (Maltese: il-fekruna l-komuni), scientifically known as Caretta caretta is a long-living, slowly maturing marine species that inhabits tropical to warm temperate areas. This species is classified as globally endangered by the World Conservation Area (IUCN) and is also protected by various national and international legislation. Capturing, killing, taking, and trading these turtles, as well as the deliberate disturbance of these species, particularly during the period of breeding, rearing and migration, is prohibited and subject to legal action. Even the destruction of eggs or taking of eggs from the wild is strictly prohibited and constitutes a criminal offence. In fact, the national ‘Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations’ impose a minimum fine of nearly €500 and going up to nearly €2400 for each egg that may be destroyed or taken from the wild. The area where the loggerhead turtles has laid its eggs is also a protected area under the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549) and a Natura 2000 site through the EU Habitats Directive.
For further information, please refer to &
9 August 2024