In 2015, the Fort Cambridge project was assessed to qualify for the submission an Environmental Planning Statement (EPS) in accordance with the former Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2007 (S.L. 549.46). Following the submission and review of the EIA Report, ERA issued its Assessment and Recommendations along with the development conditions in July 2018.
In 2020, a revised version of the development was submitted by the project proponents. Subsequently, ERA requested a statement from the EIA Coordinator who carried out the EIA Report for the original development proposal to confirm or otherwise whether the proposed material changes vis-Ã -vis the downscaling of the project are likely to change any of the findings and conclusions of the EIA carried out for the proposal.
The said documentation was followed up by further assessment by ERA. This assessment takes into account the conclusions of the EIA consultants’ updated evaluation of the proposal as part of the Environment Impact Assessment process, including any relevant ancillary documentation as well as the comments received from the public concerned following a 30-day public consultation.
Following the assessment of the updated documentation on the EIA and its own assessment, ERA agreed with the EIA Coordinator’s conclusion that the overall level of significance of the environmental impacts from the 2020 proposal remain unchanged.
In this regard, ERA reiterated its position and conditions outlined on the original proposal. In conclusion ERA set forward the requirement for the implementation of green transport initiatives, aimed at reducing noise impacts from traffic generated during operations, and the inclusion of measures (e.g. vertical screens), to address localised changes in the wind microclimate around the proposed building, in the project design; as well as conditions recommended for inclusion in the development permit.
The decision taken by the ERA Board on 21st May 2021 was that the Final Assessment on the EIA process was being agreed to and a vote in favour was taken such that this is referred to the Planning Authority to be taken into consideration in the final decision on the application development permit.
During the same sitting, the ERA Board also approved an application for an environment permit for an innovative environmentally friendly Hull cleaning and Painting facility at Pieta. Following inspections and communications as part of the application under EP 01075/20, the water used to clean the vessels’ hulls will be filtered and the water reused hence significantly reducing the risk and impact on the surrounding environment.
21 May 2021