The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) Board has approved the variation of the IPPC permit for Sterling Chemical Malta Ltd. located at Hal Far Industrial Estate, during a public meeting that was held today, 3rd September 2021.
The application process included consultation with a number of statutory consultees as well as a public consultation as required by the IPPC Regulations.
The variation of the IPPC permit covers the inclusion of a waste storage warehouse, the addition of emission points to air from production areas and laboratory fume hoods and the updating of the air emissions monitoring programme within a pharmaceutical installation which carries out production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. The installation has been covered by an IPPC permit since 2015.
The permit takes into account the holistic environmental performance of the installation and ascertains that the operations are undertaken in line with Best Available Techniques that are available for such operations. Furthermore, the permit takes into consideration all the aspects of the operations including emissions to air, discharges, management of waste, monitoring of operations as well as monitoring of pollutants prior to release into the environment.
All relevant documents are available on the ERA website.
3 September 2021