Following several media reports, ERA would like to clarify that the application that was determined by the board regarding works at Blue Lagoon in Comino was received following action taken by ERA, whereby the works that were being undertaken were in breach of a clearance issued by ERA.
The ERA Board’s decision was taken on the grounds that the proposed continuation of works included mitigation measures to curb environmental damage and to continue the works in a manner that does not impinge on the natural integrity of the area. The existing passageway formed part of the established network of passageways on Comino.
Following an in-depth evaluation of the overall situation on the site, the proposed works in the environmental application were recommended for approval subject that these are undertaken in line with the conditions proposed in the environmental permit. ERA has imposed a specific permit condition to provide a Restoration Plan for remedial works on the area that was impacted by works carried out so far and prior to the issuing of the environmental permit. The objective of the required restoration plan is to reinstate the impacted area to its former natural state and is to be submitted within one month. Permit conditions have also been included, such that these works are closely monitored by an ecological monitor. This shall be nominated by the applicant and approved by ERA. Additional conditions include hoarding and installation of dust containment measures both on land and at sea.
The permit will allow the commenced works to continue in a manner that takes into account the importance of the site and include the necessary mitigation measures on any residual impacts on the environment.
13 April 2021