ERA issued the following clarification with respect to TOM Article dated Saturday, August 11, 2018 titled “In spite of 57 beach cleaners… tons of seaweed sit at two Gozo beaches- ERA still has to give green light for removal”

Beach cleaning is subject to the “Operating Procedures on Beach Cleaning” which were issued by ERA in 2017 to ensure minimal impact on local beaches during cleaning operations. Consultations on these Procedures were held with all stakeholders throughout the development of this document.

In the instance of Daħlet Qorrot the removal of seaweed can be undertaken without the requirement of a permit from ERA, unless MGOZ determine the need to deviate from the provisions of the said Operating Procedures. In this regard, MGOZ has been informed accordingly.

To note is that the Operating Procedures criteria do not apply to all beaches across the board, as certain beaches are remote or more environmentally sensitive and need to be cleaned with great care and only following the application for a Nature Permit for each beach cleaning operation. San Blas qualifies as a remote and sensitive beach, therefore an environmental permit is required when the beach is cleaned in accordance to a method statement prepared by the applicant and approved by ERA. An application for the removal of seaweed from San Blas was received by ERA, however the Authority is not in a position to continue processing this application in view that the applicant has not yet provided the infomation requested.

Additionally, MGOZ expressed interest in removing the seaweed at Ramla l-Ħamra, however to date, no application has been received.​