“Smart Waste, Better Tomorrow”
The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has organised an event during which a number of ICT experts were invited with the aim of discussing current technologies and systems within the waste sector. These experts were also invited to identifying key technologies to improve waste management policies in Malta.
This was ERA’s second event out of four, as part of an Interreg Europe project called WINPOL (Waste Management Intelligent Systems and Policies). Interreg is a series of programmes to stimulate cooperation between regions in the European Union, funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
The primary aim of this particular project is to improve waste management policies so that they support and promote the use of smart technology and intelligent equipment, for more resource-efficient waste disposal and collection systems. The waste management industry is evolving towards the remodelling of waste handling and disposal systems for greater efficiency and increased environmental protection.
Current technology facilitates automated waste collection systems that provide real-time information to waste collectors and operators. This information can be related to various parameters, such as the available capacity of the bins, the need for servicing and the current bin temperature. Such systems are linked to ICT-based and geo-tracking solutions, which can be used to analyse usage trends, enhance safety and identify critical groups of waste producers.
This was ERA’s second out of four Target Communication events. Attendees were provided with an overview about WINPOL and briefed on current intelligent waste management equipment being set up in partner regions in the EU. The participants reacted positively and discussed certain hurdles, such as the costs involved when such systems are implemented locally.
During the event, the technology applied on 800 smart bins, known as iBins, was explained by the involved stakeholders. This encouraged other participants to share their experiences and discuss projects. Many expressed their interest in collaborating with ERA in the near future. A participant representing the geo-spatial technology sector emphasised the importance of investing in predictive modelling, to allow for the capturing and processing of real-life data with the intent of predicting real-life patterns and act in a proactive way.
Future events will target small and medium enterprises and policy institutions. Should you fall within any of these target groups, and are interested in attending, kindly contact ERA on [email protected].
ERA will be participating in the second thematic seminar focusing on “Innovative Models for Waste Collection, Prevention and Recycling” to be held in Antwerp, Belgium from 19 to 21 November 2019.
For more information:
Phone (+356) 2292 3500 Email [email protected]